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These Spanish Short Stories are, for the most part, realistic pictures of the manners and customs of modern Spain, written by masters of Spanish prose. All were written in the second half of the nineteenth century or in the first decade of the twentieth, except the story by Larra, which was written about seventy-five years ago.

Philip himself was weak and pleasure-loving, but has never been regarded as perverse, and Olivares was ambitious and longed to rule Spain as the great Cardinal was ruling France. To achieve this end he isolated the monarch from every possible rival and kept him occupied with all sorts of diversions.

Los ingleses, en todo caso, hablarían de Spain and Marocco, y la verdad es que si nosotros no tuviéramos con Europa más analogía que la de oponernos a la vacunación obligatoria, no tendríamos analogía ninguna y estaríamos completamente unidos al África. Porque Europa puede combatir la vacunación obligatoria y nosotros no.

The stories by Bécquer and Pérez Galdós contain incidents that are supernatural, and those by Fernán Caballero and Alarcón have romantic settings that are highly improbable; but all the stories are, in the main, true to the every-day life of contemporary Spain.

The French literature, for instance, is more universal and less national than the Spanish, perhaps by the very force of geographical position. Spain is nearly surrounded by water, and on land it is separated from the rest of Europe, excepting only Portugal, by an almost insurmountable barrier of lofty mountains.

These plays were not as enthusiastically received as El Trovador, and Gutiérrez regarded the public as unjust to him. In 1844 he went to Havana, and thence to Mérida de Yucatán; returning to Spain after five years' absence. He died August 26, 1884. El Trovador is undoubtedly Gutiérrez' masterpiece. Interest in the play is quickly aroused, and well sustained by the rapidity of the action.

Véase la lámina que representa la Puerta de las Palmas desde el patio. The History of the Mohammedan Dynasties in Spain, etc. Tomo I, pág. 219. Bagdad. No hay en esto la menor exageracion de nuestra parte.

Thus we find that in 1585 Spain had a divided drama, represented on the one side by the drama of reason and proportion fashioned after Greek and Roman models, and on the other a loosely joined, irregular, romantic drama of adventure and intrigue, such as was demanded by the Spanish temperament.

The most forceful of the younger writers of Spain is the Valencian BLASCO IBÁ

But about 1560 there flourished in Spain probably the most important figure in the early history of the national drama. This was the Sevillian gold-beater, later actor and dramatic author, Lope de Rueda.