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Una mano ruda sujetó por un instante mi cabeza; un lienzo cubrió mis ojos; sentí mucha apretura en la garganta, y... desperté. El cuello de la camisa me estaba apretando de un modo extraordinario. No hice más que soltar el botón y quedé otra vez profundamente dormido. NOTES FOR "EL SUE

Pasaron los tiempos de la intervención anglofrancesa en el Plata o en Méjico, y la Europa podía, y esta vez con razón, variar la fórmula de Monroe repitiendo: Europe for the europeans! ¿Qué significado actual, real, positivo, tiene hoy, pues, la famosa doctrina?

Si por ella se entiende que la Europa debe renunciar para siempre a todo predominio político en las regiones que se emanciparon de las coronas británica, española y portuguesa, respetando eternamente, no sólo la fe de los tratados públicos, sino también la voluntad libremente manifestada de los pueblos americanos; si ese alcance de la doctrina, estamos perfectamente de acuerdo, y ningún hombre nacido en nuestro mundo dejará de repetir con igual convicción que Monroe: America for the americans.

He knew the unities and ignored them in his works, preferring, as he says, to give the people what they wished, and he laid down precepts for composition, but even these he obeyed indifferently. Always clever, he interpreted the popular will and gratified it.

Quarrels and fights between country wenches would be incited for her to witness unsuspected; nocturnal tumults would be provoked for her amusement in the gardens of Aranjuez or other palaces; and it is related that, when she was in one of the grated aposentos of a public theater, snakes or noxious reptiles would be secretly let loose upon the floor or in the cazuela, to the confusion and alarm of the spectators, whilst the gay, red-cheeked young Queen would almost laugh herself into fits to see the stampede."

At an early age Philip had been married to Isabel de Bourbon, daughter of Henry IV of France, and she was an unconscious tool in the hands of Olivares, for she was as light and as fond of pleasures as the king. Trivial incidents in royal circles were sufficient excuse to provide the most lavish celebrations and expenditures, illy authorized by the depleted condition of the royal exchequer.

A volunteer in the African war of 1859, he won a cross for gallantry in battle, and his account of the war brought him sudden fame as a writer. In his earlier novels Alarcón was fond of sensation, as young writers are wont to be.

Alexander Green and Miss Ellen E. Aldrich of D.C. Heath and Company for their valuable assistance in the preparation of this book. ENRIQUE P

The introduction of the secondary plot, affording the excuse for the prominent place given to the gracioso, is a device which Lope, like his great English contemporary, often uses as in this case with good effect.

This great avenue, hedged in on the sides by thousands of chairs and hundreds of benches belonging to water and orange-venders, is the most frequented part of the Prado, and is called the salon of the Prado." =Sin que por eso perdiesen de vista un momento=, without, on this account, losing sight of for a moment. =Me puse a=, I began to.