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Works: Libro de los cantares , Cuentos de color de rosa , Cuentos campesinos , Cuentos populares , Narraciones populares , Cuentos de vivos y muertos , Nuevos cuentos populares , et al. Died in 1900. Works: Poesías , Nuevas poesías , Una docena de cuentos , Nuevos cuentos , et al.

And Alexandre Hardy, the French playwright and contemporary of Lope de Vega, who borrowed largely from the latter both in method and detail, so styled many of his works.

Works: El final de Norma , Diario de un testigo de la guerra de África , El sombrero de tres picos , El escándalo , El niño de la bola , Novelas cortas , La pródiga , El capitán Veneno , Historia de mis libros , et al. Died in 1889.

Larra's most enduring works are his critical reviews and his essays on manners. This volume was published in 1847, but many of the articles had appeared much earlier in periodicals. The author was a kindly scoffer, and in this work he gave merry pictures of Madrid customs, written simply and accurately in language that was chosen but diffuse.

After this disappointment he enlisted as a volunteer against the Carlists, and was in the army when his play was finally produced. Its success was instantaneous and overwhelming, and enabled the author to leave the army and give all his time to his chosen occupation. Among his other works may be cited Simón Bocanegra, Venganza Catalana, and Juan Lorenzo.

The immortal Cervantes wrote many plays in this period and claimed to favor the classic drama, but his dramatic works are not of sufficient importance to win for him a place in either party.

With the exception of the stage, a part of the benches and the aposentos, the whole was in the open air and unprotected from the weather. In such unpretentious places the masterpieces of Lope de Vega and of many of his successors were presented. With this environment in mind we shall proceed to a brief review of the dramatic works of el Fénix de los ingenios.

Works: La gaviota , called in the English version The Lost Beauty, Lágrimas , La familia de Alvareda , Una en otra , Clemencia , Cuadros de costumbres , et al. Returned to live in Polanco. Carlist deputy to the Cortes in 1871, but found political life distasteful. Elected to the Spanish Academy in 1897. Died March 1, 1906.

However, he seems to have consoled himself easily, for on his return to Madrid the following year we know of his entering upon a career of gallant adventures which were to last many years and which were scarcely interrupted by his second marriage in 1598 to Doña Juana de Guardo. Aside from his literary works the following twelve years of the life of Lope offer us but little of interest.

In his realistic works he is a careful observer and a faithful describer of life, and he is especially successful in his portrayal of the uneventful lives of the middle and lower classes.