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Literary comparisons have been made occasionally and modern forms or equivalents for archaic words and expressions have been given, but usually these have been limited to words not found in the better class of dictionaries commonly used in the study of such works. The editor is especially indebted to Sr.

It is upon the Novelas that his wider literary reputation rests, for in the narration of contemporary Spanish life, in the reflection of the ideas and the sentiments of the people, he has no rival.

He was thereafter its literary lion, whose very appearance in the streets furnished an occasion for tumultuous demonstration of affection. The last decade of the life of Lope de Vega saw him seeking no rest or retirement behind the friendly walls of some monastic retreat, but rather was it the most active period of his literary career.

The Spanish stories in this collection have been arranged, so far as possible, in the order of difficulty; but some instructors will doubtless prefer to read them in chronological order, or, better still, in an order determined by the "school", or literary affiliations, of each author. This latter arrangement is difficult to make, and it must be, at the best, somewhat arbitrary.

She pleases most in her picturesque descriptions of the life and manners of her fellow-Galicians. Pardo Bazán early founded a critical review, El Nuevo Teatro Crítico, and in this and in other periodicals she has published many valuable articles of literary criticism. She is now giving her time and thought chiefly to critical work. Her most popular novel is probably Pascual López.

Of the early literary efforts of Lope de Vega, such as have come down to us are evidently but a small part, but from them we know something of the breadth of his genius. In childhood even he wrote voluminously, and one of his plays, El Verdadero Amante, which we have of this early period, was written at the age of twelve, but was probably rewritten later in the author's life.

However, he seems to have consoled himself easily, for on his return to Madrid the following year we know of his entering upon a career of gallant adventures which were to last many years and which were scarcely interrupted by his second marriage in 1598 to Doña Juana de Guardo. Aside from his literary works the following twelve years of the life of Lope offer us but little of interest.