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He has been a journalist, and writer of essays and short stories of manners. He is now secretary of the Chilean legation at Rome, Italy. POR DON ARMANDO PALACIO VALD

Mil veces más crudo aún es el modo brutal con que, en la tragedia de Otelo, Yago da á Brabancio la noticia de que se ha fugado Desdémona: Your daughter and the Moor are now making the beast with two backs. Y aquí termino y no digo más, porque sería prolijo é interminable decir todo cuanto el asunto sugiere.

But in 1610 they moved to Madrid, where Lope bought the little house in what is now the Calle de Cervantes, and in this house the great poet passed the last quarter of a century of his long and eventful life.

=Yo tomé el gesto por donde más quedaba=, I took his grimace in the worst sense. =Tornaron a abrir la puerta=, they opened the door again. =Hay que=, it is necessary. =Las cuales=, refers to =columnas=. =Que debajo de ellas había=, which there were under them. =Todo lo comprendí=, I understood it all. =Presenciando=, by witnessing. =Como lo son ahora=, as they are now.

The next few years following this return to the capital were made sorrowful to Lope by the sickness and death of both his wife and his beloved little son, Carlos Félix, in whom the father had founded the fondest hopes. Then it was that Lope, now past the fiftieth year of his age, sought refuge, like so many of his contemporaries and compatriots, in the protecting fold of the Church.

The historical romance has now taken a secondary place in fiction; but it was cultivated till quite recently by so virile and popular a writer as Pérez Galdós.