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It too is one of the few plays of the poet which have continued down to recent times in the favor of the Spanish theater-going public, perhaps in the end the most trustworthy critic.

He wrote also many ballads, not a few of which have been preserved, and we know that, at the time of his banishment, he was perhaps the most popular poet of the day.

They are the beatification, in 1620, of San Isidro and his canonization, two years later, with their accompanying poet "jousts," at both of which Lope presided and assumed a leading rôle.

That the poet makes him love one apparently on a lower social plane illustrates his power of discrimination and magnifies these virtues rather than diminishes them.

En su Philos. ant. poét., págs. 513 y siguientes, dice así: «Dió la una, hora después de la del comer, al tiempo que vino al Pinciano un recado de Fadrique, diciendo, que Hugo era venido, y que tenían los dos determinado ir aquella tarde á una representación; que tuviese por bien ser tercero con ellos.

His best stories are probably El sombrero de tres picos, El capitán Veneno, and some of his Novelas cortas. Of the lesser writers of stories of manners and customs, Antonio de Trueba and Narciso Campillo should receive especial mention. A journalist, poet, and writer of short stories, Trueba is best known as an interpreter of Basque life.