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Una modista de California, que se llamaba propietaria, y se mudaba tres veces por dia, descollando por sus encajes, sus enormes dientes y sus amabilísimas muecas, se había empeñado en conquistar al Irlandes á todo trance; pero el buen viejo, que parecia entender mejor el verbo to drink, hecho para el paladar, que el to love, destinado á las honduras del corazon, le frunció las cejas de tal modo á la modista, que la infeliz, para vengarse de la altiva Irlanda, se resignó á coquetear con el jefe de ingenieros del vapor, jayan de la raza pura de John Bull.

On the sarcophagus rises a pedestal in doric style, upon which are four statuettes that symbolize love of country, valor, constancy, and virtue. In the midst of the statues rises a tall obelisk, upon which is written in characters of gold, Dos de Mayo. =Se puso a=, began to. = exclamar a Luisa=, I heard Luisa exclaim. =Debía de ser=, must have been.

Like some mountain stream his measures flow, sometimes in idle prattle over pebbly beds, soon to change into the majestic cascade, then to the whirling rapids, only to tarry soon in the quiet pool to muse in long soliloquy, to rush on again, sullen, quarrelsome, vehemently protesting in hoarse and discordant murmurings, then to roll out into the bright sunshine and there to sing in lyric accents of love and beauty.

Look, love, what envious streaks Do lace the severing clouds in yonder east; Night's candles are burnt out, and jocund day Stands tiptoe on the misty mountain's tops; I must be gone and live, or stay and die. Téngase en cuenta que ni Massucio, ni Da Porta, ni Brooke, hablan en esta ocasión del ruiseñor como Groto y Shakespeare.

Broadly speaking, we may divide the comedias into four groups: Comedias de capa y espada, which Lope created and which include by far the greater number of his important works. In these plays the principal personages are nobles and the theme is usually questions of love and honor.

Los que viajan en las montañas tienen siempre un sentimiento de gratitud a la mula, cuyo esfuerzo y vigilancia contribuyen, en su vanidad, al respeto y cariño por la vida del hombre que conducen. No podría la mula contestarles, como el marinero de Shakespeare: None than I love more than myself? .

That the poet makes him love one apparently on a lower social plane illustrates his power of discrimination and magnifies these virtues rather than diminishes them.