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Accompanied by his young wife, he doubtless went on directly to Lisbon, where he left her and enlisted in the Invincible Armada, which sailed from that port, May 29, 1588.

Dijimos, que el Cacique de esta gente, Llamada Charruaha, es Zapicano, Y que tiene un sobrino muy valiente, Abayubá, mancebo may galano, De gran disposicion y diligente, Discreto al parecer y muy lozano; Valor en su persona bien mostraba, Por donde Zapican mucho le amaba.

Well may we say that he had no declining years, for he never knew rest or realized a decline of his mental faculties.

If we make Don Juan the impersonation of Lope's idea of chivalry, we may well interpret el Conde and Doña Ana as representing his appreciation of his more sordid contemporaries; both are actuated by motives of interest and are not scrupulous enough to conceal it. The poet is far too discreet to hold either up to ridicule, yet he makes each suffer a keen rebuff.

The speech referred to may be found in Part I, Chap. Vine al país de Vd., me dijo, muy joven y destinado al comercio, como muchos de mis compatriotas.

Lo demuestra el sabio anticuario romano Ciampini en varias obras de grande erudicion, una de las cuales se titula Vetera monimenta: en dos tomos en folio. L. May: Des temples anciens et modernes.

Without seeking further we may well recall the place they have in the works of both Plautus and Terence. The early Italian comedies inherit this character from the Latins, and it appears in most of the plays of Ariosto, Machiavelli, and Aretino.