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But in 1610 they moved to Madrid, where Lope bought the little house in what is now the Calle de Cervantes, and in this house the great poet passed the last quarter of a century of his long and eventful life.

Contaba hacer el viaje con lentitud; y como yo, por el contrario, tenía la idea de volar por la montaña, resolvimos despedirnos en la mañana. Las cosas debían pasar de otro modo. La noche de Consuelo En camino. El orden de la marcha. Mimí y Dizzy. Los compañeros. Little Georgy. They are gone! La noche cae. Los peligros. "Consuelo". El dormitorio común. El cuadro. Viena y París. El grillo.

Sometimes they appear as scions of illustrious lineage, as Don Fernando and the father of Elena in la Esclava de su Galán, and again they figure as the object of the poet's contempt, as the wealthy merchant, Don Bela, in la Dorotea.

Without seeking further we may well recall the place they have in the works of both Plautus and Terence. The early Italian comedies inherit this character from the Latins, and it appears in most of the plays of Ariosto, Machiavelli, and Aretino.

The décimas are suited for complaints; the sonnet is fitting for those who are in expectation; the narrations require romances, although they shine most brilliantly in octaves; tercets are suitable for matters grave, and for love-scenes the redondilla is the fitting measure."

Those teachers who prefer that the students in the elementary classes should not translate English into Spanish may postpone or omit altogether this part of the exercises if they wish to do so. The language of Fortuna is so clear and simple that the story may be read to advantage in elementary classes.

But to those who wish to study in these stories the growth of contemporary Spanish fiction, it is suggested that the authors be taken up in the order in which they are given in the Introduction. To the stories by Spanish authors have been added two by Spanish-American writers, the one a native of Costa Rica, the other of Chile. These stories are excellent and well worth reading.

In this edition of Fortuna some words and sentences have been omitted from the text because they were uninteresting and unimportant. In a few cases expressions have been left out because they were unusual and therefore not adapted to elementary instruction. In the exercises there is an abundance of direct-method material. Each of the exercises consists of four parts.

Después de media hora de camino, al doblar un recodo de la senda, veo el palanquín donde iban Mimí y Dizzy, solo, abandonado en medio del camino, y a las dos dulcísimas criaturas dentro, sonriendo al verme y tomaditas de las manos. Eché pie a tierra, y abrazándolas, les pregunté por los conductores. They are gone! me dijeron simplemente.

The comparison of the three is interesting, for all three had suffered the same insult; but before we judge Don Bernardo too hastily, we should consider that both the other two are making their appeals to valiant men, while he is appealing to a woman, and not appealing for vengeance as they, but rather lamenting his hard lot.