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De las frecuentes expediciones a la Tejuca, ya volvíamos a altas horas de la noche, formando alegre cabalgata, ya volvíamos al rayar el alba. No se crea con todo, que las expediciones a la Tejuca eran el mayor encanto que Río tenía para nosotros. Había otro encanto mucho mayor, la casa de la Sra. de Figueredo, centro brillantísimo de la high life fluminense.

In 1627 he published his Corona Trágica, a long religious epic written on the history of the life and fate of Mary, Queen of Scots.

Pereda's language is academically correct, with some of the flavor of Cervantes; but his thought is often ponderous, or even obscure. He is at his best when he pictures the uncouth homely life of his highland peasants or simple fisher-folk. This he does with the truthfulness of the most scrupulous realist, but without stooping to pornographic detail.

It is true that several historical events which took place about that year are alluded to in the work in a way to indicate that they were fresh in the mind of the author, but they do not offer conclusive proof. It does not appear in the twenty-five Partes or collections of Lope's dramas, and it is doubtful if it was published in any regular edition during the poet's life.

But in 1610 they moved to Madrid, where Lope bought the little house in what is now the Calle de Cervantes, and in this house the great poet passed the last quarter of a century of his long and eventful life.

He was extravagant in description and intemperate in criticism, keen of observation but shallow; and he showed a lack of sense of proportion; but he had a versatility and dash that brought him some meed of popularity. In later life Alarcón passed over from radicalism to conservatism in politics, and his writings became more sober in tone.

That Lope did not approve entirely of the higher social life of his time is brought out all through the play and revealed in the hero, for the contemporaries and friends of the latter considered him an original. But in him we find more nearly the common Spanish conception of chivalry and honor.

Untrammeled by the unities or other dramatic conventionalities, Lope was able in this drama, as in his others, to permit the action to develop naturally and simply with the various vicissitudes attendant upon every-day life and yet to weave the intricate threads of intrigue into a complex maze perfect in detail.

And through it all the peninsula was rent by civil discord. Spain sank to the lowest level of inefficiency and corruption, and was forced to drink the bitter dregs of humiliation and despair. But from her travail there came a new birth. With the expulsion of Isabel II in 1868, Spain entered upon a new life.

¡Qué atrocidad!... ¡Programa! gritó don Víctor : al teatro dos veces a la semana por lo menos; a la tertulia de la Marquesa cada cinco o seis días, al Espolón todas las tardes que haga bueno; a las reuniones de confianza del Casino en cuanto se inauguren este año; a las meriendas de la Marquesa, a las excursiones de la high life vetustense, y a la catedral cuando predique don Fermín y repiquen gordo. ¡Ah! y por el verano a Palomares, a bañarse y a vestir batas anchas que dejen entrar el aire del mar hasta el cuerpo... ea, ya sabes tu vida.