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I hastened from the room, saying, "Come out on the lawn, all of you, for we may now witness a scene that is grand indeed." I had been so interested in Mrs. Yocomb's words, their effect on the little group around her, and the whole sacred mystery of the scene, that I had ceased to watch the smoking mountain, with its increasingly lurid apex.

It was a fact that this base proposal had been made and rejected only the evening before, and the scene of which Philip became the witness was the result of this refusal.

I take heaven to witness that, if you are not guilty of something very wicked, while I live I will provide for you. I fell on my knees, caught hold of his hand, burst into tears, and exclaimed with sobs 'God in heaven bless my dear dear good grandfather! He has forgiven me! He has forgiven me! 'Grandfather? 'I am Hugh Trevor. Never did I behold so sudden a change in the human countenance!

Having obtained their consent the king returned to me, and finding that I was about to depart, earnestly entreated me to stay, saying that half the pleasure of success would be taken away if I were not there to witness it; but I answered that there were urgent reasons for my immediate departure, and that I had already remained longer than I had intended to do, solely on his account.

But in bearing my witness I feel accused, almost as if he were present; by his fastidious reluctance from any recognition of his helpfulness.

That we have lost so much of the help which the Church was designed to give, is not our fault individually; but it is our fault that we neglect this means of strength, so great in bearing witness to Christ, and in kindling love towards one another.

The history of the Babites, so well described by M. de Gobineau in his Religions of Asia, is a case in point, and similar occurrences are by no means rare in Persia. I met at Jeddah a highly educated Persian gentleman, who informed me that he had himself been witness when a boy to a religious prodigy, notorious, if I remember rightly, at Tabriz.

"It is not man I fear," said Jeanie, looking upward; "the God, whose name I must call on to witness the truth of what I say, he will know the falsehood." "And he will know the motive," said the stranger, eagerly; "he will know that you are doing this not for lucre of gain, but to save the life of the innocent, and prevent the commission of a worse crime than that which the law seeks to avenge."

We've got to make him tell what we want brought out in court, and we've got to scare him so that he won't tell what we don't want known. And there are two ways of doing that." "How?" asked Kelly. "First we can offer him a reward. It will be worth it, even if we have to pay something to have him testify as we wish. The committee allowed us a certain sum for well, let us say for witness fees.

Now faith hath to do with God through Christ; not with him through our works of righteousness. Besides, Abel was righteous before he offered, before he did do good, otherwise God would not have testified of his gift. 'By faith he obtained witness that he was righteous, for God approved of his gifts.