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As regards her age, now you ask me" for the Colonel had put a quick question "I fancy she must have been twenty-two or three. Indeed, I am almost certain that was the age as stated by the Medical Witness for the Prosecution.... However, I'll go into the reports and let you know for certain." "Thank you, Mr. Mayor.

If a black dog enters a temple, the foundation of that temple will not be firm. If a brown dog enters a temple, that temple will witness justice. If a yellow dog enters a temple, that temple will witness justice. If a speckled dog enters a temple, the gods will show favor to that temple. If dogs gather together and enter a temple, the city's peace will be disturbed.

"Of course, the Treasury took up the case and subpoenaed Mr. Morton as a witness, so that gentleman if he wished to hush the matter up, or had been in any way terrorised into a promise of doing so gained nothing by his refusal, except an additional amount of curiosity in the public mind and further sensation around the mysterious case.

He wanted the Princess to come back and to be somewhere near if there was a fight going, so that she might be a witness of his devotion. But she must not herself run any risk, and he became anxious when he remembered her terrible sangfroid. Dickson could no more restrain her than a child could hold a greyhound.... But of course it would never come to that.

Thanking him for his kindness, I rejoined Count Bismarck's party, and our horses having arrived meantime, we mounted and moved off to the position selected for the King to witness the opening of the battle.

And the illustrious monarch of the Lunar race gave unto each of those princes of celestial beauty, making the sacred fire a witness of his gifts, much wealth and many costly robes and ornaments of great splendour.

Her feet ploughed up the earth and stones, and the crowd hooted and jeered. "Come on, Dame Linkon, and take your bath," cried some idle urchins, waiting at the water in anticipation of rare sport. The victim continued to scream in her shrill voice: "It's for that hussy! She bore false witness against me at the court and had me condemned. I will be avenged for this!"

When Ford was on the witness stand in a libel suit some fifteen years ago and admitted his ignorance of matters with which even grammar school children are familiar, the country laughed.

The memory picture which such a witness has in mind offers, of course, much less resistance to the opposite action and attitude and belief than the immediate impression.

The mistress of Castaing he represented as enjoying an income of 5,000 francs. He protested against the quantity of hearsay evidence that had been admitted into the case. "In England," he said, "when a witness is called, he is asked 'What have you seen? If he can only testify to mere talk, and hearsay, he is not heard."