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Rotha was walking hurriedly down the lonnin that led from the house on the Moss. Laddie, the collie, had attached himself to her since Ralph's departure, and now he was running by her side. She was on her way to Fornside, but on no errand of which she was conscious. Willy Ray had not yet returned. Her father had not come back from his long journey. Where was Willy? Where was her father?

Then the ponies were got ready to start, the plan being for them to follow in the tracks of the dogs; the route was over about six miles of sea-ice, which, owing to the spread of water holes, caused Scott to feel gravely anxious. But despite all the attempts to save him, Weary Willy died during the Tuesday night.

"I'll get your Willy Cameron, too," he said, his face distorted with anger. "I'll get him good. You've done a bad thing for your friends and your family to-day, Lily. I'll go the limit on getting back at them. I've got the power, and by God, I'll use it." He flung out into the hall, and toward the door.

Let her drink maybe if he could get her drunk, he could find something out; at least he might learn whether the slim young man had been there during the day. "Like when you found your dad's cider," she said, and giggled again. "You got awful hp! awful drunk, Willy, din't you? You were so funny!" She was trying to be careful with her words already.

After some time it was decided to go and wake Uncle Balla, and confer with him as to the proper disposition of their captive. Accordingly, Frank went off to obtain help, while Willy remained to watch the hen-house. As Frank left he called back: "Willy, you take good aim at him, and if he pokes his head out let him have it!" This Willy solemnly promised to do.

"Just for a reason I have: as for that fellow being Willy Reilly, he's no more Willy Reilly than I am; whatever he is, however, he's a good man and true, but must be guided by wiser heads than his own; and I now tell him ay, and you too that he won't see Sir Robert Whitecraft's treacherous face to-night, no more than myself." "Come," said one of them, "drag the idolatrous old rebel along.

And I wish you would give her the blankets just as if it was a matter of course that anybody would send things to a sick person." "Oh yes!" said Willy. "As if you hadn't a pot of jelly to spare and so sent her these blankets fit for an Emperor on his throne!" That very evening the reluctant Willy took the blankets to Miss Shott, for Mrs.

The glow of the burning depot was still visible in the west. Then it was decided that Willy should go before he said to "reconnoitre," Balla said "to open the gate and lead the way," and that Frank should bring up the rear. They trudged slowly on through the darkness, Frank and Willy watching on every side, old Balla stooping under the weight of the big box.

"That boy ain' never done talkin' 'bout that thing yit," he added, with a pleased laugh, to his mistress. "And you ain't ever given me all those chickens either," responded Willy, forgetting his grammar. "Oh, well, I'm gwi' do it; ain't you hear me say I'm gwine do it?" he laughed as he went out. The boys were too excited to get sleepy before the silver was hidden.

Willy Forrest, of course, knew nothing whatever of thoughts such as these. He was a past master in the art of killing time and he boasted that he rarely knew an "idle hour." His programme for this day seemed altogether beyond criticism. "We'll look in at the club afterwards and play a game of bridge you can stand by me and see me win or perhaps you'd like a side bet.