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And the chosen were few. Nor had Warner, consciously or not, been indifferent to the sacredness of his wardship. Never for a moment had it felt the blight of his wild and often gross and sordid life. He had been passionate but never sensual, romantic and primal, but never immoral.

"It's kind o' close in here, ma'm," he said, obeying gingerly, and disclosing a cool and comfortable looking interior. "Perhaps you'd keer to set on the porch an' rest yo'self." It was so evident that Thomas did not want me inside that I went in. "Tell Warner he is needed in a hurry," I repeated, and turned into the little sitting-room.

Warner descended from his loom and opened it. "Lives Philip Warner here?" enquired a clear voice of peculiar sweetness. "My name is Warner." "I come from Walter Gerard," continued the voice. "Your letter reached him only last night. The girl at whose house your daughter left it has quitted this week past Mr Trafford's factory." "Pray enter." And there entered SYBIL.

To the right the fire grew heavier and heavier, and most of the field was hidden by a thick veil of smoke. Dick saw other cavalry massing on either side of the Winchester regiment, and he knew their charge was to be one of great weight and importance. "I feel that we're going to win or lose here," he said to Warner.

When the people support the people, the divine blessing will not be wanting." "I am sure the divine blessing will never be wanting to you," said Warner in a voice of great emotion.

What some of these requirements for a normal life are will be seen in a subsequent chapter, and it is only necessary to say in conclusion that the wisest measures for removing pauperism will be directed toward the prevention of its causes rather than toward the reclaiming of those who have already been caught in its meshes. For brief reading: WARNER, American Charities, Revised Edition.

I will send my page to conduct thee to thy apartments, and thou shalt lodge next to Friar Bungey, a man of wondrous lere, Master Warner, and a worthy confrere in thy researches. Hast thou any one of kith and kin at home to whom thou wilt announce thy advancement?" "Ah, lady! Heaven forgive me, I have a daughter, an only child, my Sibyll; I cannot leave her alone, and "

"Warner would have the window open, till the rain came in." "And you, I fear, are wet," said Warner, addressing Sybil, and interrupting his wife. "Very slightly. And you have no fire. Ah! I have brought some things for you, but not fuel."

As for Warner, he had hitherto seemed to regard the great lord's attentions only as a tribute to his own science, and a testimony of the interest which a statesman might naturally feel in the invention of a thing that might benefit the realm.

"Yes, he did," said Theo, "and Maggie cut up your blue satin bodice for stars, and took one of your fine linen sheets for the foundation." "The wretch!" exclaimed Madam Conway, stamping her foot in her wrath, and thinking only of Henry Warner; "I'll turn him from my door instantly. My blue satin bodice, indeed!" "'Twas I, grandma 'twas I," interrupted Maggie, looking reproachfully at Theo.