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James M. Snider of West Schofield were entertaining a daughter, whose net weight was reported to be nine and three quarters pounds; or that Miss Elizabeth Wardwell of Eltingville had just issued beautifully engraved invitations to her wedding, which was to take place on the seventeenth day of October yet she went on reading. Everybody read the paper. Sometimes they talked about what they read.

By the 11th of August we had reached the northern shore of Northumberland Island, where we were delayed by storm. It was shortly before noon of this day that we barely escaped another fatal calamity. Chief Wardwell, while cleaning the rifle of Commander Peary, had the misfortune to have the piece explode while in his hands.

The general sent a hundred troopers to Los Valles Grandes, where they came galloping into camp two evenings afterwards. As Captain Wardwell sprang from his saddle and wrung my hand, he exclaimed: "God bless you, Duncan! I came out expecting to bury the bones of you and your men."

Joe and Abraham denied all knowledge of the affair and there was no clue. The whole school was up in arms about the matter. Then things took a rather unexpected turn. In one of the teachers' meetings where the matter was being discussed, one of the teachers, Mr. Wardwell, suddenly got to his feet. He had just recollected something.

Jackson, "that she should have been able to do it. You would hardly look for a girl to be cutting electric wires, would you? It takes some skill to do that. Where did she learn how to do it?" "Those Camp Fire Girls," said Mr. Wardwell emphatically, "know everything. I don't know where they learn it, but they do." Nyoda led Hinpoha into one of the empty club rooms and sat down beside her.

" George Wilson. 1665, Lydia Wardwell. 1662, Elizabeth Hooton. 1677, Margaret Brewster. And in this search they were so barbarously misused that modesty forbids to mention it: And that none might have communication with them a board was nailed up before the window of the jail. In this, however, they were foiled. On the authority of Hutchinson, Dr.

She had idly glued the label of a medicine bottle on the back of her hand, and was scratching a skull and cross-bones on it. "I wonder if you have noticed something," she said, eyes on the label. "I have noticed that the three-o'clock medicines are not given," said Carlotta sharply; and Miss Wardwell, still labeled and adorned, made the rounds of the ward. When she came back she was sulky.

Then, adjourning till August 5th, it tried and convicted George Burroughs, John Procter, Elizabeth Procter, George Jacobs, John Willard and Martha Carrier. Then meeting on September 9th, it tried and condemned Martha Corey, Mary Easty, Alice Parker and Ann Pudcator; and on September 17th, Margaret Scott, Wilmot Reed, Samuel Wardwell and Mary Parker.

The lame violin-player limped out of the ward; the shadows of the early winter twilight settled down. At five o'clock Carlotta sent Miss Wardwell to first supper, to the surprise of that seldom surprised person. The ward lay still or shuffled abut quietly. Christmas was over, and there were no evening papers to look forward to. Carlotta gave the five-o'clock medicines.

"I'm no gossip," she said, putting the tray on the table. "If you won't see, you won't. That Rosenfeld boy is crying." As it was not required that tears be recorded on the record, Carlotta paid no attention to this. "What won't I see?" It required a little urging now. Miss Wardwell swelled with importance and let her superior ask her twice. Then: "Dr.