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"Never," he exclaimed vehemently. "You are mine, Annabel, and nothing shall ever make me give you up." "But it is too late," she declared. "You have no right to hold me to a bargain which on your side was a lie. I consented to become Mrs. Meysey Hill never your wife." "What do you mean by too late?" he demanded. "There is some one else whom I care for!" He laughed hardly.

That night he died, when he whispered in my ear, it was to make me promise to save you from drink and gambling if I could." "Did he?" exclaimed the miner vehemently, as he clenched his hands. "O Dan! dear Dan, did you say that at such an hour? Look you, Jack," he added, turning sharply round, "I'll not go near the store, and if I am saved it is Dan who has done it, mind that not you."

And when I beheld her call Sir Franz von Welemisl to her side and give him her hand, speaking a few words in a low voice, I discerned that, in truth she knew all. She presently led her father aside and told him somewhat which brought the blood to his ashy face, and led him to say her nay right vehemently.

Hate me, strive to wound and injure one at whose side you have hitherto stood like a daughter, but beware of robbing me of the strength and freedom which I need, to be and to offer to my royal mistress all the assistance in my power. I have just been consulting my brother about leaving Cleopatra's service." "Now?" Iras broke in vehemently. "No, no! Not that! It must not be!

"I have the date it arrived," he told us, "and I know just how much actual capital I had myself at that time. So I'm computing your shares in the venture on that basis. It comes to about one tenth apiece for Yank and Johnny. Frank and I have an agreement already." Johnny stared at the paper on which the totals had been pencilled. "Not any!" he protested vehemently. "It isn't fair!

Even the letters so carefully hidden had been discovered by that woman's divining instinct! "It's a lie!" he cried vehemently to conceal his agitation. "It isn't love! If you have read them, you know what it is as well as I; just friendship; the letters of a friend who is somewhat crazy." The sick woman smiled sadly.

The States ought not to suffer that the Germans should prove themselves more energetic, more courageous, than themselves. And again the King vehemently urged the necessity of his Excellency and some deputies of the States coming to him "with absolute power" to treat. He could not doubt in that event of something solid being accomplished.

He chanced, when going to his audience of leave-taking, after the arrival of his successor, Don Inigo de Cardenas, to meet the Venetian ambassador, Antonio Foscarini. An altercation took place between them, during which the Spaniard poured out his wrath so vehemently, calling his colleague with neat alliteration "a poltroon, a pantaloon, and a pig," that Henry heard him.

It has been often asserted, we know not on what grounds, that Barere was employed by the government not only as a writer, but as a censor of the writings of other men. This imputation he vehemently denies in his Memoirs; but our readers will probably agree with us in thinking that his denial leaves the question exactly where it was.

And this was the same lady who so vehemently stood up for Gleason in the days when he was her devotee before she discovered that poker had attractions for him before which her own could but "pale their ineffectual fires. Tantæne animis coelestibus iræ?" If it wasn't Gleason, then, who was it? That was what the ladies demanded to know, Mrs. Turner and Mrs.