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Nevertheless perhaps his face was not unkindly, he had not meant all the harm he did. He ought to have answered, "In Hell, with the spirits you have trusted"; that would have been the only logical response. What he did say was very different. "Have you not good faith in the Lord?" said the judge who had doomed her. Amazing and notable speech!

But she was not able to say much; her heart was too full. "And now what is to be done?" said Dr. Grey, meditatively. "He must have had some motive in writing this letter a not unkindly motive either. He must be aware of some strong reason for it when he tells you to 'defend yourself. He forgets." added Christian's husband, tenderly, "that now there is some body else to do it for you."

"We have both of us behaved most unkindly to Mrs. Rook," she resumed. "I can excuse your not seeing it; for I should not have seen it either, but for the newspaper. While I was reading, I had an opportunity of thinking over what we said and did, when the poor woman's behavior so needlessly offended us.

I can not endure the suspense do not torture me, Pluma! I will forget you have spoken unkindly of poor little Daisy if you will only tell me where she has gone." "Sit down, Rex," she said, soothingly; "I will not dare tell you while you look at me with such a gleaming light in your eyes. Promise not to interrupt me to the end." A nameless dread was clutching at his heart-strings.

But he knew they were in high mountains, because the cold was great, and now and then he felt flurries of snow on his face, and at night he saw the loom of lofty peaks. But they did not treat him unkindly. Old Inmutanka threw a heavy fur robe over his shoulders, and when they camped they always built big fires, before which he slept, wrapped in blankets like the others. Heraka said but little.

"You are punishing me very severely, monsieur, both for the friendliness of my effort to spare you a rebuff, and for the attraction which intellect always has for me. I put confidence in the generosity of youth, and you have disappointed me. My distress is the keener for my interest in you. I am naturally tender-hearted and kindly, but circumstances force me to act unkindly.

At last they came in sight of a tumbled-down cottage on the edge of what had once been a clearing, but which was now overgrown with weeds and brushwood. As they came up, Margaret's strength gave out, and suddenly she sank down on her knees. "All in, are you?" he said, not unkindly, and, stooping, he picked her up bodily.

Gordon," said Madge, gently, and quite serious now. "I ought not to have tried to tease you." "There!" I said, my irritation entirely gone. "I had no right to lose my temper, and I'm sorry I spoke so unkindly. The truth is, Miss Cullen, the girl I care for is in love with another man, and so I'm bitter and ill-natured in these days."

It made my heart sorry that you should be so unkindly used." By this time they had reached the garden gate; and Miss Vandeleur, having set the candle on the ground, was already unfastening the bolts. "One word more," said Francis. "This is not for the last time I shall see you again, shall I not?" "Alas!" she answered. "You have heard my father. What can I do but obey?"

"That's what," Sid replied. "Then we'll stay here," announced Jack. "We're going to get away just as soon as possible, and the longer you keep us here the worse it will be for you." "My, but you have a quick temper," remarked Sid, not unkindly. "Well, I think I'll take a chance. You'll get sick if we keep you cooped up, and that isn't what we want.