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In nineteen-seventeen a few declared themselves pacifists and conscientious objectors, and, little recking what they were in for, marched off triumphantly to a military prison, feeling like Christ and longing for a public cross. The others, those that were young enough, shouldered a gun and went to the front with high hearts and hardened muscles. Democracy ueber alles.

UEBER DIE DARWIN'SCHE SCHOePFUNGSTHEORIE; EIN VORTRAG, Von A. KOeLLIKER. Leipzig, 1864. EXAMINATION DU LIVRE DE M. DARWIN SUR L'ORIGINE DES ESPECES. Par P. FLOURENS. Paris, 1864. In the course of the present year several foreign commentaries upon Mr. Darwin's great work have made their appearance. Darwin's views.

[Footnote 6: So heartily did the Germans receive the Sentimental Journey that it was felt ere long to be almost a German book. The author ofUeber die schönen Geister und Dichter des 18ten Jahrhunderts vornehmlich unter den Deutschen,” by J.

See Generalbericht ueber das Medizinal-und Sanitätswesen der Stadt Berlin im Jahre 1881. 8vo. Berlin 1883, p. 19. The signs of disease at all ages may be referred to one or other of three great classes: disorder of function, alteration of temperature, complaint of pain. In the infant it is the last of these which very often calls attention to the illness from which it is suffering.

And then it will be understood that one of the greatest of social problems, perhaps the most arduous of all, has been the problem of love." E.D. Cope, "The Marriage Problem," Open Court, Nov. 1888. Columbus meeting of the American Medical Association, 1900. Ellen Key, Ueber Liebe und Ehe, p. 24.

They knew they must all be shot, but they marched on just the same, singing 'Deutschland ueber Alles. They knew they were going against the English, and nothing could stop them." Her brother would go back if he had to crawl back if only she could go and not have to sit here and wait! "I told you," she said, "when you first came in, that I was German.

Those who sleep and are indifferent in spiritual matters find peace; but those who are alive and awake must beat the wind, and battle, belike, with much useless loss of strength, before they can arrive even at that first postulate of all healthy thinking there is a God. "Ueber Gott werd ich nie streiten," said Herder. "About God I will never dispute."

Goethe's "Ueber alien Gipfeln ist Ruh" and Coleridge's "Kubla Khan" are miracles of art, yet one was scribbled in a moment, and the other dreamed in an opium slumber.

Rudolf Goethe's 'Mitteilungen ueber Obst- und Gartenbau' is one of the standard works on horticulture. "And finally," said Cooper with a flash of pride quite unusual in him, "the treasure of my little library Homer; again a first edition." "Homer!" I cried. "An editio princeps!" "Nearly one hundred and fifty years old," he said. "The Rev.

The indebtedness of Jacobi to Sterne is the subject of a special study by Dr. Joseph Longo, “Laurence Sterne und Johann Georg Jacobi;” and the period of Jacobi’s literary work which falls under the spell of Yorick has also been treated in an inaugural dissertation, “Ueber Johann Georg Jacobi’s Jugendwerke,” by Georg Ransohoff.