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At eight four keepers came into his room, undressed him, compelled him to make his toilette, &c., before them, which put him to shame being a gentleman almost as much as it would a woman.

There is no great toilette kept at Osbaldistone Hall, you must know; but I must take off these things, they are so unpleasantly warm, and the hat hurts my forehead, too," continued the lively girl, taking it off, and shaking down a profusion of sable ringlets, which, half laughing, half blushing, she separated with her white slender fingers, in order to clear them away from her beautiful face and piercing hazel eyes.

They lived in a provincial town, and on the second night of Auntie's stay they went to the theatre, at which a London company happened to be performing. Grace loved the play, and was in high spirits, making an extra toilette for the occasion. She was not half through it when her husband, who had hurried over his dressing, left her and went downstairs.

They are but dim ill-defined pictures that her narrow bit of an imagination can make of the future; but of every picture she is the central figure in fine clothes; Captain Donnithorne is very close to her, putting his arm round her, perhaps kissing her, and everybody else is admiring and envying her especially Mary Burge, whose new print dress looks very contemptible by the side of Hetty's resplendent toilette.

With which, and leaving the Colonel to dress himself, Macmurdo turned round towards the wall, and resumed the perusal of Bell's Life, until such time as his friend's toilette was complete and he was at liberty to commence his own. This, as he was about to meet a lord, Captain Macmurdo performed with particular care.

Household of the Duchess. Villars and Rochefort. Friend of King's Mistresses. The Marriage Ceremony. Toilette of the Duchess. Son of Montbron. Marriage of M. du Maine. Duchess of Hanover. Duc de Choiseul. La Grande Mademoiselle. Death of My Father. Anecdotes of Louis XIII. The Cardinal de Richelieu. The Duc de Bellegarde. Madame de Hautefort. My Father's Enemy. His Services and Reward.

The toilette is not becoming: here the shawl takes the place of the mantilla, and the head-covering, as in Tenerife, is capped by the hideous billycock. But the jarvey, like the bath-man, the barber, and generally the body-servant and the menial classes which wait upon man's person, are not always models of civility.

She could make you see the romance in condensers and transformers. She had the power that caused the reader to lose himself in the charm of magnetic poles, and ball bearings, and high-tension sparks. "Just dropped in to say good-by," said Jock, very casually. "Going to run up-state to see the Athena Company toilette specialties, you know. It ought to be a big account." "Athena?"

Next he went through most of his mother's and Jane's accessories to the toilette; through trinket-boxes, glove-boxes, hairpin-boxes, handkerchief-cases even through sewing-baskets. Utterly he convinced himself that ladies not only use no collar-buttons, but also never pick them up and put them away among their own belongings.

George became very anxious to lend me money, to order me clothes at his own tailor's, and set me up in various little toilette refinements, that I might make a respectable appearance at the dean's.