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"Ah, he'll be chief justice some of these days," said the builder. "How about Monsieur Tiphaine?" "Monsieur Tiphaine? he's got a pretty wife and is sure to get on. He'll go to Paris. Shall we paint the corridor?" "Yes, yes," said Rogron. "The Lesourds must be made to see that we are as good as they."

This severe judgment was read out by President Tiphaine in a loud and distinct voice. "Why not send them to the galleys at once?" said Vinet. "And all this fuss about a girl who was carrying on an intrigue with an apprentice to a cabinet-maker! If the case goes on in this way," he cried, insolently, "we shall demand other judges on the ground of legitimate suspicion."

"No, Sir Eustace, Messire le Connetable is captive only in his good-will to you. I wrote, to pray him to send me his witness to those last words of your brother, since you had ever appealed to him, and he replied by an offer, which does us too much honour, to become our guest." "I am no scribe, apart from my fairy Dame Tiphaine," said Du Guesclin, abruptly.

She accordingly went to call on Madame Tiphaine, of whose reprobation she was conscious, in order to impart the fact of Pierrette's approaching arrival, deploring the girl's unfortunate position, and posing herself as being only too happy to succor her and give her a position as daughter and future heiress.

Clever, delicate, and pretty, married in the provinces to please her mother, who for special reasons did not want her with her, and took her from a convent only a few days before the wedding, Melanie Tiphaine considered herself an exile in Provins, where she behaved to admiration. Handsomely dowered, she still had hopes.

Sylvie moved to the second floor of the house, which she shared with Madame de Chargeboeuf, for the first floor was entirely taken up by the new wife. The beautiful Madame Rogron succeeded to the social place of the beautiful Madame Tiphaine. The influence of the marriage was immense. No one now came to visit Sylvie, but Madame Rogron's salon was always full.

Earlier yet, in those naive centuries, Robert de Torigny, that "bouche des Papes," would doubtless have discoursed to you on any subject dear to this "counsellor of kings" on books, or architecture, or the science of fortifications, or on the theology of Lanfranc; from the helmeted locks of Rollon to the veiled tresses of the lovely Tiphaine Raguenel, Duguesclin's wife; from the ghastly rat-eaten body of the Dutch journalist, who offended that tyrant King, Louis XIV., to the Revolutionary heroes, as pitilessly doomed to an odious death under the gentle Louis Philippe there is no shape or figure in French history which cannot be summoned at will to refill either a dungeon or a palace chamber at Mont St.

Julliard raised his eyes to the ceiling, as if to say, "Good heavens? what wit, what intellect!" "I wish my society to be select; and it certainly will not be if I admit those Rogrons." "They have neither heart, nor mind, nor manners"; said Monsieur Tiphaine. "If, after selling thread for twenty years, as my sister did for example "

Monsieur Tiphaine sent for Auffray the notary, one of Pierrette's own relations on the maternal side. At this particular time the war between the Vinet party and the Tiphaine party was at its height. Such wounds cut deep; they go to the quick of feelings and of interests.

"The new paper will soon restore the colonel's rights, and make your salon more powerful in Provins than those of Tiphaine and company." "How so?" asked Sylvie.