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Listen! no, yes it is it is the robins singing in the garden the grateful, joyous robins singing away like mad, just as if it wasn't Sunday. Their audacity tickles me. My grandfather looks up, and inquires in a sepulchral voice if I am ready for Sabbath school. It is time to go. I like the Sabbath school; there are bright young faces there, at all events.

"I know that most of us end so." The witch shrugged her shoulders, and perceiving the dwarf she rose from her seat. The girls too noticed the little man, and set up the indescribable cry, something like the cackle of hens, which is peculiar to Eastern women when something tickles their fancy.

It'll beat this all hollow!" "Oh well, that ain't bad, to be sure," allowed Hapgood with some reluctance. "Bad! I should say not." "Well, I'll own up, Nate, it is an improvement, and Lucy is as chipper over it as can be. To have a settin'-room, too, besides the kitchen, tickles her most to death. But what gets me is the 'lectric lights and no extry charge."

Pffeffenfifer!" answered Ravenslee, staring at the radiant curl, whereupon she, becoming aware of it, would have sent it into immediate retirement among its many fellows but that he stayed her humbly. "Please don't!" he said. "But it tickles!" "Well, let it!" "But why should I?" "For Arthur's sake." "Arthur's!" she laughed. "Oh, Mr. Geoffrey, as if he would ever notice!"

What a luminous, noisy night in the Strada di Porto! Mountains of fruit tower up in the shops, illuminated by multicoloured lanterns. Upon charcoal furnaces lighted in the open air water boils and steams, and ragouts are singing in frying-pans. The smell of fried fish and hot meats tickles my nose and makes me sneeze. At this moment I find that my handkerchief has left the pocket of my frock-coat.

It tickles the barkeeper till he can't rest, it makes a charming lark for the young folks, it don't do anybody any harm, it don't cost a rap, and it keeps up the place's reputation for making all comers happy and content." "Very good. I'll be on hand and see them land the barkeeper." "It is manners to go in full dress. You want to wear your wings, you know, and your other things." "Which ones?"

Domenico Scarlatti got some wonderful results; but his music simply tickles the ear for a moment: meaning it has none. Polyphonic music of every sort had now to go for a while; monodic music was coming in. But before it could come in with any degree of security something else had to come and something else to go.

The present régime is liked by no one save the officials who benefit by it; but it tickles the vanity of the Sampaolesi to call themselves citizens of a Great Power; and so, though many are republicans, many socialists, none are legitimists.

But charity, my dear friends, tickles up human ostentation deliciously. Charity implies superiority; and the feeling of superiority is most grateful to social nature.

"Is that what he is doing?" asked Nigel of the negro. "Oh no, Massa Nadgel," said Moses. "Spinkie nebber ketch cold an' hab no need ob a pocket-hangkitcher. He only tickles his nose wid 'is tail. But he's bery fond ob doin' dat."