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"The hack we came in is still there in the yard," the wife suggested. "We could drive home in that. I don't believe it would cost more than a quarter and if you're feeling badly " "But I am NOT feeling badly," Theron replied, with frank impatience. "Only I feel I feel that being alone with my thoughts would be good for me." "Oh, certainly by all means!"

If it seemed to me like the face of a saint before, it is more like the face of a bar-keeper now!" This was quite too much. Theron rose, flushed to the temples, and scowled down at the helpless man in the chair.

That bein' so, we seen it in the light of duty not to change what we'd set our hands to. That's how it is, Brother Ware." "I understand," said Theron, with an effort at polite calmness of tone. "And is there anything else?" "There's this," broke in Brother Pierce: "we're commanded to be law-abiding people, an' seven per cent WAS the law an' would be now if them ragamuffins in the Legislation "

The tall stranger, who drew aside to let him pass, had acted as if he expected to be introduced. Theron, emerging into the hall, leaned against the wall and looked dreamily at the priest, who had stepped out with him. "I am very sorry to learn that you are in trouble, Mr. Ware," Father Forbes said, gently enough, but in hurried tones. "Miss Madden is also in trouble.

It was terrible that children should be exposed to such dangers; but, as I have already said, if we had not taken them with us they would have been captured. During the very "drive" I have just described, two children who had remained at home with their mothers were taken prisoner by the English. One of these was a boy of nine, the little son of Jacobus Theron.

Another train came in, some way over to the right, and before it had fairly stopped, swarms of eager men began boiling out of each end of each car, literally precipitating themselves over one another, it seemed to Theron, in their excited dash down the steps.

They drawled their hymns too, these people, till Theron thought he understood that injunction in the Discipline against singing too slowly. It had puzzled him heretofore; now he felt that it must have been meant in prophecy for Octavius.

He carries them off himself somewhere. I've had kind of half a notion that he's figurin' on getting married. I can't think of anything else that would make a man spend money like water just for flowers and bushes. They do get foolish, you know, when they've got marriage on the brain." Theron found himself only imperfectly following the theories of the young philosopher.

The lawyer scowled, and bit sharply into the cigar, but said nothing. "If I have unconsciously offended you in any way," Theron went on, "I beg you to tell me how. I liked you from the beginning of my pastorate here, and the thought that latterly we seemed to be drifting apart has given me much pain. But now it is still more distressing to find you actually disposed to quarrel with me.

Theron looked at the hand, and made mental notes that there were a good many veins discernible on the small wrist, and that the forearm seemed to swell out more than would have been expected in a woman producing such a general effect of leanness. He caught the shine of a thin bracelet-band of gold under the sleeve.