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I dared not look aside till Richard's taunting laugh gave me leave to breathe again. The Indians answered the laugh with a yell; and now the marksmen stood out quickly one after another and for a little space the air was full of hurtling missiles.

The intriguer ground his teeth, but from the victor's privilege of verbose taunting he had no redress. After all, it would be a transient victory. Parish might "rub it in" now, but in a few hours he would be dangling at a rope's end. "Ye showed hit ter me standin' thar high an' widespread in ther moonlight, an' I seems ter recall thet ye 'lowed ye'd cut hit down ef ye hed yore way.

It is at once less brutal and less spiritual; it is alert, informed, sceptical, and the Press, with photographic illustrations, the cinema, and a score of collateral forces, are giving it precisely that spectacular view of luxury, amusement, aimlessness and excitement, taunting it with just that suggestion that it is for that, and that alone, that the worker's back aches and his muscles strain.

The Irishman was in the highest glee; and occasionally indulged in whoops of defiance, and in taunting remarks which would not have flattered the enemy, could they have heard and understood them. The Germans, as they emerged from their shelter, were about four hundred yards distant; and the fire at once recommenced.

Since, therefore, it is best for a man in distress to delay the evil, and nothing is more fortunate in trouble than to stave off hard necessity, I ask three days' space to get ready, provided that I may obtain from the king the skill of a freshly slain ox." Frode answered: "He who fell on a hide deserves a hide"; thus openly taunting the asker with his previous fall.

Dick then moved in with confidence, but a lightning blow crashed through his guard, caught him on the chin and sent him to earth. He rose, though still half-stunned, and saw that the confident, taunting look had returned to Woodville's face. Fortunate now for Dick that the pure blood of great woods rangers flowed in his veins, and that he had inherited from them too an iron frame.

Hovering near us somewhere were the Comanches waiting; with us was burning thirst; ahead of us ran the taunting mirage cool, sparkling water rippling between green banks receding as we approached, maddening us by the suggestion of its refreshing picture, the while we knew it was only a picture.

The savage drew the flowing curls through his hand, and raising them on high with an outstretched arm, he passed the knife around the exquisitely molded head of his victim, with a taunting and exulting laugh. But he purchased this moment of fierce gratification with the loss of the fatal opportunity. It was just then the sight caught the eye of Uncas.

Now, as may well be understood, if the Society of the White Wolf was angry before, it was both angry and frightened now, which is a thing infinitely more dangerous. "Let him die straightway! Let the taunting blasphemer die!" they cried. And again, for the third time, the hollow voice pronounced my doom. "It is well," I shouted amid the din. "It is thrice well. But look ye to it.

"No fair firing until we say 'Ready," shouted the exultant diplomat, as he gathered his forces and led them toward their own territory. "Now," said he, when they reached the tall, straggling weeds, "how're we going to beat 'em?" Immediately a babel of suggestions ensued. Bill waited a few impatient minutes and executed a taunting, barbaric war dance to the center of the field.