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Fisher was present when Billy entered the private office and announced his readiness to supply the firm with twenty-three hundred dollars on their note of hand. The money, of course, being borrowed by the firm, went to the firm account, and was at once applied by Fisher upon one of the many Williams notes. Therefore Tom's "overdrafts" remained in statu quo; likewise the penitentiary.

The contending armies now in the field to maintain the statu quo until notice is given by the commanding general of any one to its opponent, and reasonable time say, forty-eight hours allowed.

They have been justified in all the ages to overthrow tyranny and oppression and to secure freedom and establish justice. Oppressors and evil-doers in power have ever been anxious to maintain the "statu quo": that is, to be let alone. The "Man of Galilee" is the prince of revolutionists.

Several other trains passed, and at daylight we were still in statu quo, worn out with fatigue, and vexed with disappointment. The entire day was passed in the same situation, and to add to our discomfiture, the rations had given out and the neighborhood was unpromising for forage of any kind.

We remain in statu quo ante." A reproach from Mr. Torrington seldom failed to reach its mark. "I'm sorry," Barraclough apologised, "but I give you my solemn word that somehow I'll win you the purse." "The purse," Mr. Torrington smiled. "One almost forgets the purse in a case like this. It is eclipsed by the will to succeed. Adventure! The one thing of which old people never tire."

And whereas it might be objected, that in the church of the New Testament there are many babes, and that the Apostle himself speaketh of the Corinthians and Hebrews as babes: it is answered by Pareus, Non de paucis personis, sed de statu totius ecclesiae intelligendum est quod hic dicitur.

What was coming was coming between himself and Plank alone; and whatever the result whether an armed truce leaving affairs indefinitely in statu quo, or the other alternative, an alliance with Plank, leaving Harrington like a king in his mail, propped upon his throne, dead eyes doubly darkened under the closed helmet the result must be attained swiftly, with secrecy, and with the aid of no man.

Franklin arrived in good health at Philadelphia, the 15th ult., and was received amidst the acclamations of an immense crowd. No late event has produced greater demonstrations of joy. It is doubted whether Congress will adjourn this summer; but they are so thin, they do not undertake important business. Our western posts are in statu quo. I have the honor to be, with great esteem, Dear Sir,

The streets, it is true, were alive with bearded and mustached youth, who gave some evidences of being yet in statu pupillari; but they wore hats, and flaunted not a rag of surplice or gown.

Caesar received him as an old friend from whom one might have been estranged a few days because of some slight passing differences; he frankly avowed that all the fault was no doubt on his side, since he had contrived to alienate men who were such loyal lords and also such brave captains; but with men of their nature, he added, an honest, honourable explanation such as he would give must put everything once more in statu quo.