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"I can get hon with 'em hall hexcept a hold daft German on the top floor, oos a bit crazy hover the 'evens, but don't stand much chance of hever gettin' hup hinto 'em. You've hoften seen 'im a-lookin' at the stars an' things on the roof. 'E 'alf starves 'is family to buy books an' maps an' a telescope.

He has to put brown paper in his boots because he can't afford to have them resoled. No, it's the Barabbas in the rectory-house, that buys his stocks and shares, and starves the service." This tirade fell lightly on the stranger's ears. He looked as if his thoughts were a thousand miles away, and the organist broke off: "Do you play the organ? Do you understand an organ?" he asked quickly. "Alas!

'Spank, is it so? his lordship cried, in a voice that shook the cobwebs, and the frown on his brow shook the hearts of men, and mine as much as the rest of them, 'Spank, is His Majesty come to this, that he starves his own approvers? 'My lord, my lord, whispered Mr. Spank, the chief-officer of evidence, 'the thing hath been overlooked, my lord, among such grave matters of treason.

He spends his entire time, day and night, in contemplation; he sleeps when he is exhausted; he eats when food is handed him, and if he is neglected he starves until some thoughtful person brings him a bowl of rice or curry.

Another matter wherein our prison system might be justly criticised is the scale of diet provided for the prisoners. No one asks that they should be given luxuries, but it might at least be recognised even in prison that one man's food is another man's poison, that one fattens where another starves, and that variety is essential to good health.

Its moral and social order is tied to an economic system which starves and mutilates the great majority of the population, and under such conditions its religion necessarily becomes a spiritual drug, administered for the purpose of subduing the popular discontent and relieving the popular misery.

He crams this part, and starves that other part, consulting not the fitness of the thing, but his fitness and strength. But Shakspeare has no peculiarity, no importunate topic; but all is duly given; no veins, no curiosities: no cow-painter, no bird-fancier, no mannerist is he: he has no discoverable egotism: the great he tells greatly; the small, subordinately.

It covers the hypocrite that loves that starves that cries, My king! my king! Strike me! drive me within bounds! This long repression years, years of waiting for what? for more waiting! it is driving me mad! You have the key. I have nothing! My God! What had she seen in me to love? I sat up and held the book against my bosom. Its cry out of her past filled the world from horizon to horizon.

"Maybe have some fun with the fem before we kill both of 'em, Ca Boss?" Dana was too angry to be frightened; she twisted to give him a scornful look, then glared at the leader, who gave her a frightening smile before he pointed to two of his men. "You, you knock him out, then tie him to a tree; he'll be found before he starves."

By a return made to the Irish House of Lords in 1732 the proportion of Catholics to Protestants was not two to one. The Roman Catholic priest resides; his income entirely depends upon the number of his flock; and he must exert himself or he starves.