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Staring intently at his friend, he noted with satisfaction that Willie's brow had clouded into a frown. "Is it to be expected, I ask you now, is it to be expected that a spirited young sprig of a college feller such as him relishes spendin' his time workin' away in this shop day in an' day out? What's he doin' it fur, tell me that?

"See!" he added, as he returned with a sprig in full bud. Dr. Riccabocca bent over the blossom, and then placed it in his bosom. "The other one should be there too," said Jackeymo. "To die as this does already!" answered Riccabocca. "Say no more." Jackeymo shrugged his shoulders; and then, glancing at his master, drew his hand over his eyes. There was a pause. Jackeymo was the first to break it.

All were subjected to the most varied trials gnawed, smelt, and rolled, till the one which pleased his fancy was finally selected; of the rest he would take no notice whatever. Sprig was thoroughly a gentleman, and on most occasions he was most attentive to lady visitors. He never noticed gentlemen. She told us afterwards that Sprig had been a most attentive beau.

She had fastened the jessamine sprigs to the tops of their heads by a tiny daub of wet clay, and had evidently been surprised trying to put a sprig into the mouth of one of the doves, for it hung by a little thread of clay from the beak. He detached it and put it in his buttonhole. Poor little Sylvia! she took things awfully to heart. He would be as nice as ever he could to her all day.

They had regarded the other marvels they had seen merely as bewilderingly clever examples of legerdemain: but for a man to make a single sprig of rose grow into a tree bearing both red and white roses without even touching it meant something quite unbelievable until they had seen it.

"But," said Parkhurst blankly, "you see, old man, you'd been the last man at the spring, and I kinder thought" "Don't think," said Bray promptly, "and above all, don't talk; not a word to the boys of this. Stay! Give me the paper and the sprig. I've got to go to San Francisco next week, and I'll take care of it and think it out!"

Then the boy went on down the street, but he did not whistle, and Ellen went back to the doorstep, and, looking about to be sure that none of the men in the sitting-room saw, pulled off one little shoe and drew forth a sprig of southernwood, or boy's-love, which was crushed under her foot.

Parsons was enchanted with the gorgeousness of her party of young people, and when Patty gave her a sprig of seaweed to tuck in her bodice, she felt as if she belonged to the water carnival. Motors carried the laughing crowd to the Sayres' house, from where the floats were to start. Of course Old Ocean's Float led the parade.

"Thou'rt a fair sprig of de old tree, Muster Dickie, so 'e be," in the thick speech of the peasant people round about Talbot house where Dickie had once been a little burglar. "He is indeed a worthy scion of the great house we serve," said the other Mouldiwarp with precise and gentle utterance. "As Mouldierwarp to the Ardens I can but own that I am proud of him."

The knowledge of her disadvantages in life, the contrast between their respective positions, all tended to emphasise the irony of fate; and she often found herself wondering how this sprig of true aristocracy would conduct himself if he discovered that, after all, she was only a FOUNDLING.