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There was a splitting pain somewhere in his head and he tried to reach his hand to it. "You won't have to carry him," he heard a voice say. "Give him a little water and he'll walk." He felt the dash of the water in his face and it put new life into him. Somebody had raised him to a sitting posture and was supporting him there while a second person bound a cloth about his head.

The people of the valleys fled to the mountains, which themselves were splitting in all directions, and collecting on an elevated spot, with the earth reeling under them, they spent the night of April 2 in prayer and singing.

It took me several instants to accustom my ears to the new sounds, but they were plain enough, and I shouted my impressions of their variations. Kennedy was busy at the window over the heavy package, from which he had torn the wrapping. His back was toward us, and we could not see what he was doing. A terrific din sounded in my ears, almost splitting my ear-drums.

"It explains why you simply will not brace up, and be a real man, and do a man's work in the world, and achieve a man's success." "Who can get anywhere, splitting everything in halves?" he demanded. "The most successful men in this neighbourhood got their start exactly that way," she said. "Ah, well, farming ain't my job, anyway," he said. "I always did hate it. I always will.

'Right' is being together!" She frowned in a puzzled way. She had not been thinking of "right and wrong"; her mind had been absorbed by the large and simple necessity of death. But his inevitable reasonableness, ignoring her organic impulse, was already splitting hairs to justify an organic impulse of his own. "God gave you to me," he said, "and by God I'll keep you!

They were mostly the wives of farmers and respectable mechanics, and the language they used was neither very choice nor grammatical. "I say, Mrs. C , how be you?" "I feel bad, any how," with a smothered groan. "Have you been sick?" "Not yet; but feel as if I was going to." "How's your head coming on, Mrs. "It's just splitting, I thank you." "Oh, how awful the boat do pitch!" cries a third.

The zoophyte condition of the Grecian states, where each individual enjoyed an independent life, and could, in cases of necessity, become a separate whole and unit in himself, gave way to an ingenious mechanism, when, from the splitting up into numberless parts, there results a mechanical life in the combination.

Splitting him like a fish is so disgracefully inadequate a punishment, that the man who should administer it might justly be regarded as an accomplice. .... From London we have intelligence of the stabbing to death of a man by mistake. His assassin mistook him for a person related to himself, whose loss would be his own financial gain.

Wade was splitting a log at the wood-pile, his thoughts on the new Presiding Elder, and his feelings warm with the anticipated pleasure of meeting and entertaining him, a man of common appearance approached along the road, and when he came to where the farmer was, stood still and looked at him until he had finished cutting the log, and was preparing to lift the cleft pieces in his arms.

But to enlarge the range of the varieties this simple and stable form would need to be treated anew, by crossing it with the parent-types. Such experiments however, have miscarried owing to the too stable nature of the unit-characters. This stability and this absence of the splitting shown by varietal marks in the offspring of hybrids is one of the best proofs of unisexual unions.