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"She whispered them, but I heard her. She engineered the whole thing. She seems to be their leader." "I got their voices this time," said Pete Murphy. "Beautiful, all of them. Soprano, high and clear. They've got a language, all right, too. What did you think of it, Frank?" "Most interesting," replied Frank Merrill, "most interesting. A preponderance of consonants.

On they came, looking like the remnants of my summer's feast the supper after my season's dinner stale and repelling to my satiated palate. On entering I saw the ghost of "the Soprano" at the head of the choir, with less voice and more affectation. The same glances of envy that had been shot from angry eyes at The Resort I now saw passing between angry eyes here.

"Here, Mr Severn! Mr Singh!" shouted the mathematical master. "This way! We are going back to the college." But he did not go far. "But I want to see the elephant brought out, sir," replied Singh. "He oughtn't to be left like this. He may do mischief." "Oh, now you've begun, have you?" yelped the proprietor, whose voice in his anger had gradually reached the soprano.

Let us see what would be the three characters: Soprano, Suzannah; contralto, David; the old men, two basses; as for the tenor, he would be, of course, Suzannah's husband. There would be a superb entrance for him upon his return from the army, 'cavatina guerriera con cori'. Oh! that terrible Gerfaut! the wolves must have devoured him.

The only difficulty would be in keeping Aunt Becky Burnham from pitching it in a key where nobody but a soprano skylark, accustomed to warble at a great height, could possibly sing it.

"Uncle John won't try to make 'em come back home, I guess, will he?" "What ARE you talking about?" demanded Margaret, turning from her mirror. "Uncle John sent them here. Why shouldn't he let them stay?" Penrod looked crestfallen. "Then he hasn't taken to drink?" "Certainly not!" She emphasized the denial with a pretty peal of soprano laughter.

How do you think he occupied himself in the midst of Morning Prayer a couple of Sundays ago? The rogue! I certainly was keeping the run of the service, but it was edifying to see his head bowed so devoutly until he passed a slip of paper over to me. What do you think was on it? Not a suddenly inspired hymn, but some doggerel lines about "'A certain young woman Who sang high soprano.

It was lost in the thrilling blue of the new sky and the song of the thin wind in the PINONS. The old, fretted lines which marked one off, which defined her, made her Thea Kronborg, Bowers's accompanist, a soprano with a faulty middle voice, were all erased. So far she had failed. Her two years in Chicago had not resulted in anything.

"Not merely as a pastime, but because you feel you cannot live without it?" "You must keep quiet, Fraulein. Music; yes, I think my life would be far poorer without it than it is." "Do you sing?" "Very seldom here; but when a girl in Delft we sung every day." "Of course you were the soprano?" "Yes, Fraulein." "Let the Fraulein drop, and call me Henrica."

Stephen's Church, but offended the choir-master by the revolt on the part of himself and parents from submitting to the usual means then taken to perpetuate a fine soprano in boys. So Haydn, who had surreptitiously picked up a good deal of musical knowledge apart from the art of singing, was at the age of sixteen turned out on the world.