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Small matter hum, hum! Let's see this is Tuesday? Quite so. Do it Friday! Friday at" he glanced toward a scribbled pad of engagement dates at his elbow "Friday at seven A. M. No, make it seven-fifteen. Have important tumor case at seven. St. Germicide's Hospital. You know the place up on Umpty-umph Street. Go' day! Miss Whoziz, call next visitor."

He is the finest chap I know. And the next time you call him half-breed I will lick you. He is justly proud of the American Indian blood in him. Oh, you aren't worth talking to!" He scribbled something on a pad and gave it to Ernest, who disappeared with it. Instead of returning in a few minutes, it was almost an hour before he stuck his head in the door and beckoned Bill into the corridor.

She had risen, and Julien gazed wonderingly at the pretty country girl who had shown herself so sensible, so resolute, and so sincere. He bent his head, collected the money on the table, scribbled hastily a receipt and handed it to Reine. "Thank you, Mademoiselle," said he, "you are the first person who has been frank with me, and I am grateful to you for it." "Au revoir, Monsieur de Buxieres."

The disease seemed so quiescent that Katrine began to hope more and more that she should be rewarded, and one morning a hurried note scribbled in pencil was brought in to Annie while Katrine was scrubbing the cabin floor, telling her in a few ill-spelt words that Will thought he might get in to town that night.

Potent men, digest hardly any thing that setteth up a Power to bridle their affections; and Learned men, any thing that discovereth their errours, and thereby lesseneth their Authority: whereas the Common-peoples minds, unlesse they be tainted with dependance on the Potent, or scribbled over with the opinions of their Doctors, are like clean paper, fit to receive whatsoever by Publique Authority shall be imprinted in them.

Those German soldiers were great letter-writers, and men sitting in wet ditches, in "fox-holes," as they called their dugouts, "up to my waist in mud," as one of them described, scribbled pitiful things which they hoped might reach their people at home, as a voice from the dead. For they had had little hope of escape from the blood bath.

He knew she was coming up; she would get it there on her return, so she scribbled a line to Count Sykypri, and told him she had been and why and that she must hear at once, and then she left and hurried back to her uncle's house. And when she got there it was twenty minutes to eight.

He frowned slightly, a sardonic grin breaking the straight, thin, cruel line of his lips. He opened his table's one shallow drawer, and took out a pad and a pencil. He wrote a few words on the lowest part of the top sheet, folded it, tore off the part he had scribbled on, returned the pad and pencil to the drawer, handed the scrap of paper to me. "I will do it," he said. "Give this to Mr.

What he sent first to the printer, scribbled with his crow's-quill, was a mere sketch; and the sketch itself was a sort of Chinese puzzle, largely composed of scratched-out and interpolated sentences; passages and chapters being moved about in a curious chasse-croise, which the type-setters deciphered and arranged as they best could.

"You've got paper and a stylo, and she doesn't know my hand. I'm too comfortable to move." Mary put aside her letter to Vanno which must catch the next post, and scribbled a few lines to Miss Bland. "Will you sign if I bring you the pen?" she asked. "No, thanks. I give you leave to forge my name. It will soon be your own, so you may as well practise writing it," said Marie.