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"I think, Frank, that among all your parishioners there is not a more unhappy pair than Joshua Strong and his sister. I wish they could be made to see how differently God meant them to spend their lives. It saddens me to see their hardness and sourness." "Perhaps these little children may do them good, dear," returned the minister gravely.

It is any form of expression that a human being employs to communicate an emotion he has experienced to a fellow-mortal.” An author who, in telling his hopes and sorrows, amuses or saddens a reader, has in just so much produced a work of art.

"Why so sad, as if thy heart were heavy with care? Has any one spoken unkindly, or has aught grievous happened to thee?" "Oh, no, dearest mother!" said Kriemhild. "It is nothing that saddens me, nothing but a foolish dream. I cannot forget it." "Tell me the dream," said her mother: "mayhap it betokens something that the Norns have written for thee."

"But, Mary, it was not your knife left upon the table, which tempted her to take two keys secretly out of the cupboard, and which made them the instruments of this theft. For Papa," continued he, "it is a theft, and a shameful one too! These stolen keys are no small matter!" The Father. This is what saddens me, and wounds me deeply." Lucy.

Porthos replied by a look expressive of dejection. "Well, then, tell me all about it, Porthos, my friend, unless it is a secret." "In the first place," returned Porthos, "you know I have no secrets from you. This, then, is what saddens me." "Wait a minute, Porthos; let me first get rid of all this litter of satin and velvet!" "Oh, never mind," said Porthos, contemptuously; "it is all trash."

When I had come to the summit it seemed that I was like to pass beyond the dictates of my own will. Steep naked rocks appeared on every side, and I narrowly escaped falling down from a great height into a gloomy chasm. So dreadful is all this that now, what though forty years have rolled away, the memory thereof still saddens and terrifies me.

The mystic influence of that strange white orb which moves the soul of the lover to dream of love and yearnings after it, which saddens with sweet wounds the soul who has lost it forever, which increases the terrible freedom of the maniac, and perhaps moves the tides, apparently increased the longing in the heart of one poor boy for all the innocent hilarity of his youth which he had missed.

And one does not say "People are this and people are that...." No, one pauses and stares at the dark chatter of the rain and a curious silence saddens one's mind. Life is apart from ideas. And the things that people say and believe in and for which they die and in behalf of which they invent laws and codes these have nothing to do with the insides of people.

Even so may God forgive you too!” interrupted the Warden. “Father Jacek, if you are now about to take the sacrament, remember that I am no Lutheran or schismatic! I know that whoever saddens the last moments of a dying man, commits sin. I will tell you something that will surely comfort you.

A similar motive comes into play in prompting us to bestow pleasure upon others. Human sympathy causes us to delight in the joy of those we love, just as their sorrow saddens us. We like to give them presents, prepare surprises for them, devise ways and means of adding to their happiness. Such acts on our part are usually accompanied by a very sweet and lovely feeling of sentiment.