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At last the church was full, and the hush which usually precedes the coming of the bride was settling over the whole assemblage, when I suddenly observed, in the person of a respectable-looking gentleman seated in a side pew, the form and features of Mr. Gryce, the detective. This was a shock to me, yet what was there in his presence there to alarm me?

The Deaf Man Funeral Procession The Lone Family The Welsh and their Secrets The Vale of the Dyfi The Bright Moon. A LITTLE way from Cemmaes I saw a respectable-looking old man like a little farmer, to whom I said: "How far to Machynlleth?" Looking at me in a piteous manner in the face he pointed to the side of his head, and said "Dim clywed."

Now Stanley Lake had, perhaps, expected to see some one else; for though this was a very respectable-looking fellow for his walk in life, the gay young officer stared full at him, with a frightened and rather dreadful countenance, and actually sprung from his bed at the other side, with an ejaculation at once tragic and blasphemous.

Black Milsom made his appearance in the little village of Raynham immediately after Lady Eversleigh's departure from the castle. But on this occasion it would have been very difficult for those who had seen him at the date of Sir Oswald Eversleigh's funeral to recognize, in the respectable-looking, well-dressed citizen of to-day, the ragged tramp of that period.

Sir WILLIAM and CLARA continue speaking. Sir W. Did Gilbert introduce his bride elect to you, Clara? Clara. Yes, Mabel Larken, that girl with the sweet modest countenance and her mother, that respectable-looking woman; and her brother, I see, is here, that boy with the quick, intelligent eyes. I know all the family know them all to be good; and these were the people I might have served!

The air in those loathsome streets was scarcely less unwholesome and impure than in the close and crowded rooms, yet the lady and the child kept on still further from the cleanly portions of the city, to seek out other objects of pity and benevolence; and as they walked, they saw a woman running up the street, and heard her say to a respectable-looking gentleman: "Doctor, if you have time, won't you please to stop at our house?"

There were rows of empty benches, a good many young couples who seemed to have come in for shelter from the inclement night, a few sturdy, respectable-looking tradesmen who had come because it seemed to be the respectable thing to do, a few genuinely interested, and here and there, although they were decidedly in the minority, a sprinkling of enthusiasts.

He had sat for some time when he was aroused by a knock at the door, and the servant of the inn announced that a person desired to speak with him. "Let him come in," said Nigel; and a respectable-looking man, somewhat advanced in life, as was shown by his silvery locks, stepped forward.

I requested him to shut the door and sit down: I had some questions to ask him. But when he complied, I scarcely knew how to begin; such horror had I of the possible answers. And yet the spectacle of desolation I had just left prepared me in a measure for a tale of misery. The host was a respectable-looking, middle-aged man. "You know Thornfield Hall, of course?" I managed to say at last.

There's a very respectable-looking young man, added Mrs Nickleby, after a short consideration, 'who is conductor to one of the omnibuses that go by here, and who wears a glazed hat your sister and I have noticed him very often he has a wart upon his nose, Kate, you know, exactly like a gentleman's servant. 'Have all gentlemen's servants warts upon their noses, mother? asked Nicholas.