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I am glad to get into the field again with my regiment, to do my duty under the flag, and I am equally rejoiced to have something occur which will tend to divert my thoughts. I had not intended to say anything of this kind, but now that I am with you I simply cannot restrain the words. This past month has been, I believe, the hardest I have ever been compelled to live through.

"Secure that man," roared the colonel; but not a soldier stirred to enforce the order. "In the name of God, make your escape," whispered Mr. Brown; but Fred disdained to fly. "Will no one obey me?" roared the colonel, turning to his officers. "Do you refuse to do your duty? By G , I'll break every man in the regiment, unless you are a little more prompt.

"'I can do better without you than with you, Tim, says I. 'Ye are always getting me into trouble, with your drunken ways. Ye would have been flogged a dozen times, if I hadn't screened you. Take up your musket and join your regiment. You rascal, you are smelling of drink now, and divil a drop, except water, is there in me flask. "'I did it for your own good, says he.

All three formed in line, when Colonel Hartwell, commanding the brigade, gave the order to retreat. The officer commanding the Fifty-Fifth Massachusetts, either misunderstanding the order, or hearing it countermanded, ordered his regiment to charge.

It's very flattering to a fellow's feelings to be so thoroughly appreciated, especially, after so long an absence from the regiment. Devilish kind of you, gentlemen, to offer me quarters among you; but, as I cannot divide myself into half a dozen pieces, I shall only be too happy to accept our friend Dorville's offer, he being first in the field.

The regiment with its officers was to be transported in ships provided by His Majesty's government for the occasion: and in two days after the festive assembly at Mrs.

It's too long, Pete; and if I were as strict an officer as the Major says I ought to be, I should report you for want of respect." "Not you, sir!" "What!" "Because you knows, sir, as I feels more respect for you than I do for the whole regiment put together. I talks a bit, and I never come anigh you, sir, without feeling slack." "Feeling slack?" "Yes, sir.

A few of the cooler-headed men among the Hessians had rallied some of the Lossburg regiment, and two guns had been run out into the street and pointed up toward the place where Washington stood, to form a battery, which might, could it have been served, have held the American army in check until such time as the startled Germans could recover their wits and make a stand.

The Romans did not pay so much attention to it. What they paid most attention to was to seeing that everybody fought. We assume that all the personnel present with an army, with a division, with a regiment on the day of battle, fights. Right there is the error. The theory of strong battalions is a shameful theory. It does not reckon on courage but on the amount of human flesh.

Can you tell me where the 40th regiment is stationed now?" "That I cannot; they have been gone from here three years this July." "Had you any acquaintance in that regiment?" "Indeed had I. I served with them more than twenty years." "Why, what is the matter now?" asked the soldier, amazed at his emotion.