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They would obey him through affection and respect; because he considers us rational beings, with minds cultivated like his own, and susceptible of gratitude, and habituated to do, and receive acts of kindness; whereas the great Capt. Shortland considers us all as a base set of men, degraded below the rank of Englishmen, towards whom nothing but rigor should be extended.

Why we did not seize the cargo of the galleons, has been often asked, and as often such answers have been returned as ought to satisfy any rational examiner.

If noble character and rational conduct cannot maintain themselves in such a society, then the theologian can rightly say that man is by nature corrupt. But the present is a time of growing loyalties to the common good and of vigorous search for the efficient means to attain it in greater measure. The great spiritual adventures of the future will surely be human and humane.

I would have said more but I could not; my voice broke with the sweetness and youthful gladness of it, and there was such bliss in my heart as I had never known before in my life. “All this as rational and edifying,” said my antagonist, “and in any case you are an original person.” “You may laugh,” I said to him, laughing too, “but afterwards you will approve of me.”

Barnes came back and, bending forward, lit his pipe at the candle. "I am nervous but rational," he said, blowing out a thin cloud of smoke. "My nerves tell me that there is something prowling up and down the long passage outside; my reason tells me that it is all nonsense. Where are my cards?" He sat down again, and taking up his hand, looked through it carefully and led.

With him, I have no faith in the opinion that the mammoth and other extinct elephants made their appearance suddenly, after the type in which their fossil remains are presented to us. The most rational view seems to be, that they are in some shape the modified descendants of earlier progenitors.

That the girls were really possessed, seemed to Stoughton and his colleagues the most rational theory, a theory in harmony with the rest of their creed, and sustained by the unanimous consent of pious men as well as the evidence of that most cunning and least suspected of all sorcerers, the Past, and how confront or cross-examine invisible witnesses, especially witnesses whom it was a kind of impiety to doubt?

We will have some lunch at one, tea at four, and dinner at seven but you are to be eating grapes and jelly in between. The doctor will come and see you every morning." "What doctor?" "Why, the doctor of the Establishment, to be sure!" "Oh, this is an Establishment?" "Yes." "It is more rational in its plan than some I have heard of, since it takes in your nurse and your nurse's maid.

The advantages that may possibly result not only from moral, but political considerations, in forming upon sure principles, agricultural and mercantile establishments, calculated to instruct and civilize the Negroes employed in the necessary avocations, will unfold the fertility of their soil which is now left to nature; and will also fulfil the expectations of a rational humanity, while it might rapidly expel slavery and the Slatee trade, to the establishment of civilization, and more natural commerce.

"Because the philological race is the most stupid under Heaven," said the man in black; "they are possessed, it is true, of a certain faculty for picking up words, and a memory for retaining them; but that any one of the sect should be able to give a rational answer, to say nothing of an acute one, on any subject even though the subject were philology is a thing of which I have no idea."