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She crept to the extremity, and found it, as she expected, strongly blocked up with large stones and earth, rammed together in such a manner as nearly to extinguish all hope of escape. The work, however, had been hastily performed, and life and liberty were prizes to stimulate exertion.

A light buckboard and team could travel very fast under the hands of a skilful teamster. It would take a distance of five miles to overhaul it. The direction yes, it was the direction of the village. The buckboard might get there ahead of them. Fyles rammed both spurs into the flanks of the faithful Peter, and, as he did so, he saw a party of horsemen converging on him from the left.

One Sunday afternoon, when everybody but mother and me had gone to church, and she had fallen asleep, I got father's big clay-pipe, rammed it full of tobacco out of his great lead box, and then took it into the back kitchen, feeling as grand as a churchwarden, and set to and smoked it till I turned giddy and faint, and the place seemed swimming about me.

There's land under this here water!" "Land under this ice do you mean?" asked the professor. "That's what I mean, an' we's bein' rammed agin th' rocks!" "There it goes again!" cried Jack, as the ship shivered from stem to stern against the impact of the blow. "This can not last long," said Mr. Henderson.

The youthful idea, he had rammed it tight! he had rammed it loose! he had rammed it with pictorial illustrations! he had rammed it with the monitorial system! he had rammed it in every conceivable way, and with every imaginable ramrod! but I have mournful doubts whether he shot the youthful idea an inch farther than it did under the old mechanism of flint and steel! Nevertheless, as Dr.

He felt himself pushed violently upward, and, at the same moment, he reacted by hunch and not by reason. He rammed the controls full ahead, and the dying rocket cut space, curving slowly as flaming fuel spurted from the ruptured tanks. Rip yelled, "Santos! You all right?" "I think so. Lieutenant, we're on fire!" "I know it. Get ready to abandon ship."

Start the motor," he added to the man in charge of it. "We've sprung a leak, captain!" exclaimed a man up in the bow. "Water's coming in." "It's where that pesky swordfish rammed us, I reckon. But stuff something in and it will hold until we get to shore. We haven't far to go." The boat was soon under way again, and offers of aid from sister craft that circled around were declined.

'I am like a cartridge rammed into a gun, to be discharged at a certain hour tomorrow, she wrote; and she sealed a letter so frigid that she could not decide to post it. All day she imagined hearing a distant cannonade. The light of the day following was not like earthly light. Danvers assured her there was no fog in London.

The noise had not died away and the men behind were still trying to quiet the frightened horses when the sergeant, the same who had written, received from the hand of the Colonel a long package or roll which contained the records of the battery furnished by the men and by the Colonel himself, securely wrapped to make them water-tight, and it was rammed down the yet warm throat of the nearest gun: the Cat, and then the gun was tamped to the muzzle to make her water-tight, and, like her sisters, was spiked, and her vent tamped tight.

Now and then, by way of carrying conviction into my auditors' very souls, I rammed home my charges with an oath, at which my father looked grave, my mother held up her finger, the gentlemen laughed, and the ladies all said with a smile, "Sweet boy! what animation what sense what discernment!" Thinks I to myself, "You are as complete a set of gulls as ever picked up a bit of biscuit!"