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M. de Carmainges, have you promised anything else to M. de Mayenne than to deliver that letter to his sister?" "No, sire." "No secrecy as to the place where you find her?" "No, sire." "Then I will impose only one condition on you." "I am your majesty's servant." "Deliver your letter, and then come to me at Vincennes, where I shall be this evening." "Yes, sire."

Euchar begged for a few minutes time just to change his dress, and promised to come then at once and see with his own eyes how all things had worked together for Ludwig's happiness.

Garratt Skinner's annoyance increased. "That's too bad," he cried. "I left them and went to bed. But they promised me faithfully only to stay another half-hour. I am very sorry, Sylvia." And as she poured out the tea, he continued: "I will speak pretty sharply to Barstow. It's altogether too bad."

This La Queue was seigneur of the place of which he bore the name, distant six leagues from Versailles, and as much from Dreux. He had married a girl that the King had had by a gardener's wife. Bontems, the confidential valet of the King, had brought about the marriage without declaring the names of the father or the mother of the girl; but La Queue knew it, and promised himself a fortune.

She died on the 28th, and her last hours were soothed by the presence of the Emperor Alexander, who promised to take her children under his protection. Of all the great monarchs of his age, he was the most extensively beloved and the most profoundly respected. The allies showed great magnanimity and moderation after their victory.

He had been brought up on it ever since he could remember, and it was almost as cheap as bread and butter and tea. The result of the exhibition was that Mrs Linden promised to make porridge for Charley and Elsie whenever she could spare the time, and Mrs Easton said she would try it for the baby also. The Good Old Summer-time

"Because it's beautiful, and beneficent, and a great many other things which begin with B." "You've never seen it, though," said Jack. "But I've always wanted to see it, and as you and I have another programme to carry out at present, it would be nice if Lord Lane would go, and tell us all about it. He's promised me to keep a sort of diary, for our benefit later."

After this penitential preface she confessed that, being a prisoner and almost besieged in her palace, sick in body and soul, she had promised pardon and security to the confederates, with liberty of holding assemblies to heretics in places where the practice had already obtained.

Sir James turned off quickly to the street in which Lady Oranmore lived, and Lord Colambre had not time to tell him that he knew and admired his intended bride. Count O'Halloran promised to do this for him.

"I will go on seeing you, as I said I would." It was true that she had promised that much already, and it was difficult for him to say what more it was that he wanted some intimacy, some help against the ghost of Katharine, perhaps, something that he knew he had no right to ask; and yet, as he sank into his chair and looked once more at the dying fire it seemed to him that he had been defeated, not so much by Mary as by life itself.