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A couple of colley dogs come barking to meet us from their kennels on a shady side; and various other slight details betoken that we are still in the unsophisticated bush. We tramp heavily along the verandah, a formidable gang of uncouth barbarians. Old Colonial, at our head, gives a gentle coo-ee to intimate our arrival. Then out pops our hostess from somewhere.

I found her most intelligent; she knew England and had heard Rubinstein and Joachim play at the Monday Pops. She had been to the Tower of London, Madame Tussaud's and Lord's. The officer kept my fan in his hands and, instead of going out in the entr'acte, stayed and listened to our conversation. When the curtain went up and the people returned to their seats, he still held my fan.

The second stage is entered into within a few hours, and is passed within a silken cocoon, with which the white grub now surrounds itself, and with which, transformed to a pupa, it bides its time for about three weeks, as I now recall, when third stage out pops the mud cork, and the perfect wasp appears at the opening of the cell. I have shown sections of one of my brushes in the three stages.

Then they cracked big dishes of nuts; and popped corn that popped with the most resounding pops in all my experience popped a tubful, and Laddie melted maple sugar and poured over it and made big balls of fluff and sweetness.

To accomplish this, the doctor makes the shape of the animal of bark, which is placed in a bowl of water mixed with red earth, which he sets outside of the wigwam where some young men are standing, who are instructed by the doctor how and when to shoot the animal. When all is ready, the doctor pops his head out of the wigwam, on his hands and knees.

"Look," says Misery, and he made himself little, little, little, and sat on the hub of the wheel. "Look," says he, making himself smaller again; and then, pouf! in he pops into the hole of the hub. Instantly the merchant took the other wedge and the hammer, and drove the wedge into the hole.

As they did this the widow came to the door and called after them: "Now, Arabella, go to the cemetery, jest as I tole yo', an' stay thar!" "I ain't gwine to stay long," answered Arabella. "You stay an hour or two," answered the widow. "To morrow, I'll give yo' money fer lolly pops." "What is she sending the children to the cemetery for?" asked Tom, in a whisper.

The bewildering, maddening row it deserved no other term went on till the bandmaster, looking mildly important in his spectacles, entered the room, walked up to his stand across which a baton had been laid gave a sharp tap, and there was instant silence, broken, however, by sundry dull pops, as men drew the crooks out of their brass instruments, and drained away the condensed breath.

His reverence a fat jolly dog as ever you see was at dinner over a fine roast pig; so I tells him I have some bargains at home for him. Splice me, if the doctor did not think he had got a prize; so he puts on his boots, and he comes with me to my house. But when I gets him into a lane, out come my pops.

I don't think she can be as well as she used to be; and I told Pops he had to give me some money, and he said he knew it as well as I did, so what was the use of talking about it, and so he just perfectly gave me fifty or sixty thousand dollars and told me to make it go as far as I could, but I don't know, that grocer says the cost of living is going up every day because the Senate isn't insurgent enough; and anyway I'll get the tickets and a suite on that little old boat that sails Wednesday.