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Betray her friend? go to Winnington for help? But he was a magistrate. If such a plot were really on foot and Lathrop was himself convinced that petroleum and explosives were already stored somewhere in the neighbourhood of the house Winnington could only treat such a thing as a public servant, as a guardian of the law.

I begin to feel that my balance is safe at my banker's, and that London won't be set on fire with petroleum this time." He got his answer, I can tell you. "Why should we set London on fire? London takes a regular percentage of your income from you, sir, whether you like it or not, on sound Socialist principles.

The people protested, but ended by holding a public meeting, and passing a series of resolutions complimentary to me, of which I very naturally felt proud; and when I came away, they assembled at the roadside and gave me the friendliest cheers. "Reporter: How about the petroleum? "Answer: Well, that is an unaccountable thing.

The pessimists among the Boulevard quidnuncs insisted that the town had been set on fire by the Prussians; the optimists were convinced that the 10,000, who for some reason or other are supposed to be in a wood, patiently waiting to be roasted, were being burnt. It turns out that some petroleum in the Buttes de Chaumont caught fire.

Not only had the development of the mines and speculations in wheat furnished J. R. Taskinar with the occasion of gaining an enormous fortune, but petroleum, like another Pactolus, had run through his treasury. Besides, he was a great gambler, a lucky gambler, and he had found "poker" most prodigal of its favours to him.

I was foreman in some steel works there for two years, and I have never seen anything more wonderful. You know that this town has sprung up out of the earth as if by magic. When petroleum springs were discovered, it increased at double the rate, and now it is one of the world's largest industrial towns, and, as regards iron and steel, the first in America.

The petroleum with which the floors and hangings had been soaked gave the flames an intensity such that the ironwork of the balconies was seen to twist and writhe in the convolutions of a serpent, and the tall monumental chimneys, with their elaborate carvings, glowed with the fervor of live coals.

This powder is extracted with petroleum spirit, and the solution shaken with water containing a trace of copper acetate. If rosin be present, the petroleum spirit will be coloured emerald-green. Borax, soda crystals, and ammonia are all used to dissolve shellac, and it may be asked: Which of these is least injurious to wool? and why?

Carville muttered a warning about no smoking "... five hundred dollars fine ... necessary, you see," and I saw his corn-cob no more until we reached his room. "There she is," he remarked, indicating two very red funnels projecting above a roof. "That's the Raritan." A faint smell of petroleum was in the air as we threaded our way among the blue-ended barrels and lengths of oily hose.

In the commune of Altamira, province of Puerto Plata, lignite and anthracite beds have been discovered, and traces of anthracite have also been found in San Cristobal commune, and in the petroleum region of Azua. In the central mountain chain a valuable coal deposit has been found on the Haitian side and similar beds may be expected in Santo Domingo.