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Money ain't the whole o' life, an' I like this range better'n any I ever rode over." "Well, he'll be glad enough to take you on for the round-up," sez Spider. "Omaha has quit." "The deuce he has," sez I. "What did he quit for?" "Him an' Bill Andrews had some words, an' I got to own up that Bill was in the right of it.

I will have some things to do in Omaha. I want to telephone home and ask about some friends; I will talk to my financial boss and learn if he is still weathering the financial storm and then I am ready for the big jump out to your place. Can you meet me here with this truck-trailer outfit, say about Wednesday?

The original town site occupied an elongated and elevated river terrace, now given over wholly to business; behind this are hills and bluffs over which the residential districts have extended. The storm which lashed its way through Omaha on Easter Sunday had already carried havoc into other Nebraska towns. "For miles," he said, "it seemed as if the train were being pursued by the storm.

"Henney had to go to Omaha. Boone is sick at Fort Fetterman. Baxter has only a new green hand out there, an' they've sure struck a snag." "That's too bad," replied Neale, still thoughtfully. "Is the chief is General Lodge there?" "Yes. There's a trooper camp. Colonel Dillon an' some of the officers have their wives out on a little visit to see the work. They couldn't stand Benton."

It seemed an ungenerous thought, but how else account for it, knowing as she did that he had no friends, no business in Omaha, and in the past there never had been a time when he had not preferred her society to that of everyone else? The elation consequent upon her day of triumph gradually oozed out, to be replaced by the sense of dreariness that comes from being alone in a crowd.

Why you can go from Danville, Illinois, to Omaha, Nebraska, and stop anywhere in the darkest night and you're mighty near sure to light on a good farm where one acre is worth ten of this land along here." "About what is this land worth?" asked Percy.

The development of railroad properties under the Vanderbilt influence was not confined to the territory east of Chicago and the Mississippi Valley. As early as 1859 a large system of roads had been merged in the section extending westward from Chicago to Omaha and radiating throughout Iowa, Minnesota, Kansas, Wisconsin, Missouri, and other States.

And then briefly he told General Lodge Allie's story as related by her. "Well!" ejaculated the chief. "If that doesn't beat me! ... What are you going to do?" "I'll keep her close. Surely she will be safe here hidden with the soldiers about." "Of course. But you can never tell what's going to happen. If she could be gotten to Omaha now " "No no," replied Neale, almost violently.

While diligently hammering away at the shoes, the old cobbler grows communicative, and in almost unintelligible brogue tells a complicated tale of Irish life, out of which I can make neither head, tail, nor tale; though nodding and assenting to it all, to the great satisfaction of the loquacious manipulator of the last, who in an hour hands over the shoes with the proud assertion, "They'll last yez, be jabbers, to Omaha."

L. F. Crofoot, wife of the Omaha attorney for the Northern Pacific R. R. During the campaign a committee of business men was formed by the brewing interests, which visited the husbands of various women engaged in the effort for the amendment. They said "suffrage means prohibition" and threatened the husbands in a business way unless their wives retired from the work.