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"I hate a bandbox man," she said to herself. Spencer meanwhile had picked up one of Mrs. Hill's novels from the stand beside him. "Fools of Habit," he said, glancing at the cover. "I see it is making quite a sensation down east. I suppose you've read it?" "Yes. It is very frivolous and clever all froth but delightful froth. Did you like it?"

Adams bade farewell to London, and embarked with his family from Cowes, in the packet-ship Washington, on the 17th of June, 1817, for the United States. A tedious voyage of seven weeks was beguiled by Mr. Adams with Bacon's Novum Organum, the novels of Scott, and the game of chess, which last, in his estimate, surpassed all other resources when at sea.

For the first six years Scott held himself to Scottish history, giving us in nine remarkable novels the whole of Scotland, its heroism, its superb faith and enthusiasm, and especially its clannish loyalty to its hereditary chiefs; giving us also all parties and characters, from Covenanters to Royalists, and from kings to beggars.

"The Tenant of Wildfell Hall" found its suggestion in the wretched career of Branwell Bronté, and presents a sad and depressing picture of a life of degradation. The book was not a success, and would no doubt have sunk long ago into oblivion but for its association with the novels of Emily and Charlotte.

He withdrew his hand, stood aside, said: "Lead on." I've got to watch myself, he thought. She's too charming. "I think a picnic," said Diana. "There's a little lake with grassy banks off to the west. We'll take viewers and a couple of good novels. This'll be a do-nothing day." Orne hesitated. There might be things going on at the house that he should watch.

"He run this whole country, and had Injuns to burn, though he generally preferred to burn them that didn't belong to his church." "Roasted his neighbors instid o' his friends in a heathen sort of a way," continued Shorty. "What was his name?" inquired Monty Scruggs. "John Ross." "Humph, not much of a name," said Monty in a disappointed tone, for he had been an assiduous reader of dime novels.

Certain of the remarks in the present paper the writer put forth first anonymously some months ago in the columns of an English weekly review. To his intense surprise, they were controverted in a leading American weekly review. The critic began by assuming that the writer had said that Americans preferred Short-stories to Novels.

He conversed on indifferent topics: the Emersons' need of a housekeeper; servants; Italian servants; novels about Italy; novels with a purpose; could literature influence life? Windy Corner glimmered. In the garden, Mrs. Honeychurch, now helped by Freddy, still wrestled with the lives of her flowers. "It gets too dark," she said hopelessly. "This comes of putting off.

His novels offer sound and healthy entertainment, hearty laughter, a wide range of emotions, and a wonderful array of personalities. He presents the universal physical experiences of life that are understood by all men, and irradiates this life with emotion and romance. He keeps his readers in an active state of feeling.

Besides the two novels just mentioned, Balzac finished, during this same period, the long series in which Vautrin is a chief, if not the chief, character; and also a book variously named the Brothers of Consolation and the Reverse Side of Contemporary History.