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The secret-intelligence department of a twentieth-century army employs and creates opportunities just as zealously as did the disciples of Sung and 'Ng. It is not here that the defects in the bushi's ethics must be sought. The most prominent of those defects was indifference to the rights of the individual.

Also he pointed to the Chinese characters on the wooden lid of the crate. "What does these hen scratches mean?" demanded Scraggs. "This man is named Ah Ghow and he belongs to the Hop Sing tong." "How about his pal here?" "That man is evidently Ng Chong Yip. He is also a Hop Sing man." Captain Scraggs wrote it down. "All right," he said cheerily; "much obliged.

Ng Choy, that they possess drugs which throw their patients into a profound sleep, during which the most severe operations can be painlessly performed. They asserted further that such patients awake an hour or two afterward quite cheerful, and with neither headache nor vomiting!

We entered by the grand entrance, which has a flagged pavement, each flag consisting of a slab of granite twelve feet long by three broad, and were received at the foot of the grand staircase by the directors and their chairman, the six resident doctors, and Mr. Ng Choy, a rising, Chinese barrister, educated at Lincoln's Inn, who interpreted for us in admirable English.

Ng Poon Chiv, famous as a Greek and Hebrew reader; Gee Gam and Rev. Le Tong Hay, Methodists; and there are many more, suggestive that our people are interested in Christianity, against the moral teachings of which no one could seriously object. I dined some time ago with a merchants' club, and was much pleased at the eulogy I heard on the Chinese.

French has the nasal sounds as its dominating characteristic and is very valuable in the cultivation of "nasal resonance." As I said before, it is so easy to exaggerate and the voice is so apt to get too much "in the nose" that one has to be extremely careful in the use of the French "n" and "ng."

It is most certainly refreshing to hear this learned Chinaman talking and giving his impressions and opinions about matters of such vital importance. Ng Poon Chew, at my request, gave me the business card of the newspaper.

Aspirates partly close the opening, which is at once suddenly opened again, as in f, v, etc. Resonants close the mouth, so the sound must find its way out through the nose, as in m, n, ng. The above may be put in tabular form as follows: Articulation Positions. Explosives. Aspirates. Vibrates. Resonants. 1 b, p f, v, w m 2 t, d s, z, l, sch, th n 3 k, g j, ch Palatal r ng 4 h

'If the vowel before the ng had only been left, it would have been easy enough, he thought; 'but as it is, the name may be anything from Guestingley to Langley, and there are many more names ending like this than I thought; and this rotten book has no index of terminations. Hall in Mr Williams's college was at seven.

Ng Poon Chew spoke with evident pride about his paper, and informed me that he gave a daily account of the proceeding's of the General Convention, then in session in Trinity Church, San Francisco, in the "Chung Sai Yat Po." The editing of a Chinese newspaper is no easy matter. The printing of the paper is difficult and requires great skill and patience.