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"The man can't last until the morning." "Well," said Horton gravely, "it would be a favour if you went down for Neilson, the surveyor. He's sitting up waiting. You see we want some witnesses not connected with the thing in case he's going to tell us anything. Harry, you'd better talk to him." Alton crossed the room and sat down by the bed.

Notorious as he was through the northern provinces he was infinitely to be preferred to Chan Heminway, who sat at his left who, a weaker man than either Ray or Neilson, was simply a tool in the latter's hand, a smashing sledge or a cruel blade as his master wished. He was vicious without strength, brutal without self-control.

He was evidently suffering from exhaustion, but had declared that he needed nothing, and after sitting down to rest upon a pile of bricks for a while, had gone off to his home wherever that might be as usual, alone. This story Neilson Poe set down as highly sensational.

The earlier part of her career involved professional endeavours in company with the wandering stars, and she acted in a variety of plays with Edwin Booth, Adelaide Neilson, John McCullough, Mrs. Bowers, Lawrence Barrett, John Brougham, Edwin Adams, Mrs. Lander, and John T. Raymond.

"Been at home pining for some place to go," said Ernestine drawing the sewing from Bea's hand, and leaning over into that sister's lap with a caressive gesture. "Say Bea, dear, Miss Neilson is going to be in New York next week, and I want you to ask pa if he won't take us again; won't you?" "Not fair," cried Kat; "this is our turn." "You, indeed; nothing but children! Will you, Bea?

No wonder, indeed, that Aunt Hannah sat crying and patting the little white glove in her hand. No wonder, too, that being Aunt Hannah she reached for the shawl near by and put it on, shiveringly. Even July, to-night, was cold to Aunt Hannah. In yet another home that evening was the wedding of Billy Neilson and Bertram Henshaw uppermost in thought and speech.

Papineau undoubtedly did much to hasten the day of responsible government in Canada; but in this process he was in reality an unwitting agent. The Ninety-Two Resolutions secured a majority of fifty-six to twenty-four. But in the minority voted John Neilson, Augustin Cuvillier, F. A. Quesnel, and Andrew Stuart, who now definitely broke away from Papineau's party.

T. Neilson seems a capital housekeeper, and the cooking and everything seems so good and comfortable. Mr. Neilson owns most of the town, and is delighted when he can sell some of it, and the neighbours are nearly all his cousins. He says the municipal government of the town, &c., is at a dead lock. This is the view of all the people I stayed with or spoke to.

"Alice, I don't need to tell you, after what I said the other night, that I loved Billy Neilson. That was bad enough, for I found she was pledged to another man. But to-day I discovered something worse: I discovered that I loved Billy Henshaw another man's wife. And I ran. But I've come back. I'm going to face the thing. Oh, I'm not deceiving myself! This love of mine is no dead tiger skin.

He paused, and a queer, speculative look came into his wild-beast's eyes. "But what I don't see how you can figure all this is going to help me out with Beatrice." Jeffery Neilson turned in his chair. "You can't, eh? You need spectacles. Just think a minute say you had fifty or sixty thousand all your own to spend on a wife and buy her clothes and automobiles.