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Bennington laughed. "I confess to ignorance." "Well, the newspapers say covertly that I'm all but a naturalized Englishman, a snob, when I'm only a recluse, a man who dresses every night for dinner, who dines instead of eats. There are some things it is impossible to understand, and one is the interest the newspapers take in the private affairs of men.

Occasionally only a mere handful gathered to hear her, but in Lake City she spoke to an audience of a thousand or more from a dry-goods box on the court-house steps. She was equal to anything, but the mining towns depressed her, for they were swarming with foreigners who had been welcomed as naturalized, enfranchised citizens and who almost to a man opposed extending the vote to women.

"Monsieur Murphy gave me half of it but I traded it away." "Traded it?" "For a team of dogs to take you out. As for a divorce, Monsieur de Launay, there is a difficulty in the way." "A difficulty! What's that? All you have to do is establish a residence. I'm still an American citizen at least I never took steps to be naturalized in France. Perhaps that's why they demoted me.

The man, Boo Zîan Miliáni by name, was the son of one of those Algerians who, when their country was conquered by the French, preferred exile to submission, and migrated to Morocco, where they became naturalized. He was charged with supporting the so-called "pretender" in the Reef province, where he was arrested with two others early in August last.

"Oh, we do not try to discriminate except as to foreigners. There is a popular notion that Americans had better marry at home." "Then the best way for a foreigner to break your exclusiveness is to be naturalized." Mr. Lyon tried to adopt her tone, and added, "Would you like to see me an American citizen?" "I don't believe you could be, except for a little while; you are too British."

Even Benten, the naturalized Venus, who, like her Hellenic sister, is said to have risen from the sea, is a person quite incapable of inspiring a reckless infatuation. Utterly unlike was this pantheon to the pantheon of the Greeks, the personifying tendency of whose Aryan mind was forever peopling nature with half-human inhabitants. Under its quickening fancy the very clods grew sentient.

Months before he had met them everywhere, filling the hotels and monopolizing the cafés, their green hats and open-neck shirts making them recognized immediately. The German women in showy and extravagant gowns, were everywhere kissing each other when meeting, and talking in shrieks. The German tongue, confounded with the Catalan and the Castilian, seemed to have become naturalized.

While the American forest flora has made large contributions to that of Europe, comparatively few European trees have been naturalized in the United States, and as a general rule the indigenous trees of Europe do not succeed well in our climate. The European beech and chestnut furnish timber of far better quality than that of their American congeners.

This made me very angry, and ringing the door-bell I called William to the steps and pointing upward, I said: "William, what does this mean?" He pretended not to understand, although avoiding my eye. "What does what mean, Miss Barbara?" "The Emblem of my Country, and I trust of yours, for I understand you are naturalized, although if not you'd better be, floating in the breese AFTER SUNSET."

Little Poland was virtually a fief of Joe Hilliard's. Men, women, and elves looked up to him as to a benevolent feudal lord, and the naturalized males voted Joe Hilliard's party ticket with mechanical precision. The politician approached the quarries with an interested eye.