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Immediately!" and, looking at nobody, her glance swept over that sea of coloured flannel blouses, with bobbing pink faces and hands, quivering butterfly hair-bows, and music-books outspread. She knew perfectly well what they were thinking. "Meady is in a wax." Well, let them think it! Her eyelids quivered; she tossed her head, defying them.

As they turned over their music-books, Alfred, for some minutes, heard only the names of La Tour, Winter, Von Esch, Lanza, Portogallo, Mortellari, Guglielmi, Sacchini, Sarti, Paisiello, pronounced by male and female voices in various tones of ecstasy and of execration. Then there was an eager search for certain favourite duets, trios, and sets of cavatinas.

Diddler, they talk about bygone times and the fine society they kept; and they sing feeble songs out of tattered old music-books; and while engaged in this sort of entertainment, in comes Captain Raff with his greasy hat on one side, and straightway the whole of the dismal room reeks with a mingled odour of smoke and spirits. Has not everybody who has lived abroad met Captain Raff?

But an instinctive modesty made him keep together the drafts of the letters which he scrawled to Otto, and the replies. But he did not lock them up; he just placed them between the leaves of one of his music-books, where he felt certain that no one would look for them. He reckoned without his brothers' malice.

There are chairs, too, from the Mission, three of them, one almost as fine as those on your veranda at home. They were given to my father. And music-books, beautiful parchment books! Oh, I hope those are not lost, Majella! If Jose had lived, he would have looked after it all.

So then he entered the sick-room with his music-books; and Zoe, after watching him in without seeming to do so, crept away to her own room. Then there was rather a pretty little scene. Miss Gale and Miss Dover, on each side of the bed, held a heavy music-book, and Mademoiselle Klosking turned the leaves and read, when the composition was worth reading.

This is the entrance for you, sir. And he turned the corner and pulled up before a side door. They alighted and went in, Christopher shouldering Faith's harp, and she marching modestly behind, with curly-eared music-books under her arm. They were shown into the house-steward's room, and ushered thence along a badly-lit passage and past a door within which a hum and laughter were audible.

"Can you doubt it, Zoe?" Zoe hung her head a moment, and did not reply. Then she made a diversion. "What are those books? Oh, I see your mother's music-books. Nothing is too good for her." "Nothing in the way of music-books is too good for her. For shame! are you jealous of that unfortunate lady?" Zoe made no reply. She put her hands before her face, that Vizard might not see her mind.

We get out the old-fashioned music-books, and sing old hymns to very old tunes, and my wife and her matron daughters talk about the babies in the intervals; and we discourse of the sermon, and of the choir, and all the general outworks of good pious things which Sunday suggests. "Papa," said Marianne, "you are closing up your 'House and Home Papers, are you not?"

'When I left it, you had not been here, said he, with an obsequious tone, and an air of deference only too marked in its courtesy. A slight, very faint blush on her cheek showed that she rather resented than accepted the flattery, but she appeared to be occupied in looking through the music-books, and made no rejoinder. 'We want Mendelssohn, Nina, said Kate. 'Or at least Spohr, added Walpole.