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The men were carrying the silent figure of Sir Shawn O'Gara, hatless, his scarlet coat sodden and mud-stained, his eyes closed and his head fallen to one side. Patsy had told the truth. Sir Shawn was not dead. Whether he was going to live was another matter. Patsy had brought back Dr. Costello with unhoped for speed.

But she said not a word of it, because "it would only worry grandpa for nothing;" and forgetting it almost immediately, she moved on with him in a state of joyous happiness that no mud-stained wagon nor untidy rope-bound harness could stir for an instant.

A tattered coat some one's cast-off overcoat green, greasy, mud-stained, clung round his shaking knees; trousers which might have been of any hue originally, but were now "sad-colored," flapped about his thin legs and fringed his ankles; shoes, slashed across the front for ease, revealed bare feet beneath; an antique and dirty red woolen muffler swathed his neck almost to the ears.

The landlord pricked up his ears. "Where do you want to go?" "To Holdernesse Hall." "Pals of the Dook, I suppose?" said the landlord, surveying our mud-stained garments with ironical eyes. Holmes laughed good-naturedly. "He'll be glad to see us, anyhow." "Why?" "Because we bring him news of his lost son." The landlord gave a very visible start. "What, you're on his track?"

"But I didn't have to pay him for doing that." "You're out of order!" Mr. Crow told Jimmy sharply. And looking down at his mud-stained clothes, Jimmy Rabbit said that he supposed he was. "Can you repeat the exact words of the bargain?" Mr. Crow asked Peter Mink. "Yes," Peter began. "He said " "That will do!" Mr. Crow cautioned him.

A kinsman was to lead it back from Hixon when Samson had gone. The boy slowly put on his patched and mud-stained overcoat. His face was sullen and glowering. There was a lump in his throat, like the lump that had been there when he stood with his mother's arm about his shoulders, and watched the dogs chase a rabbit by his father's grave. Supper had been eaten in silence.

But, though she was early, the man she was to meet was evidently already there, for a big, mud-stained motor-car was drawn up in the lane which runs to the left of the church.

They did not realize the startling sight they must present to any one who might not know of their plight until they met Andy Rawlinson and some other boys from the ranch starting out to search for them. At sight of the mud-stained, blood-stained Outdoor Girls, Andy Rawlinson fairly tumbled from his pony and came running toward them while the other boys stood agape.

But before the obstacle they were approaching, Vronsky began working at the reins, anxious to avoid having to take the outer circle, and swiftly passed Mahotin just upon the declivity. He caught a glimpse of his mud-stained face as he flashed by. He even fancied that he smiled.

"Then, if that is so, let me go out and walk amongst these people as one of themselves." She shook her head. "But, Nais, I am not known here. I am merely a man in very plain and mud-stained robe. I should be in no ways remarkable." A smile twitched her face. "My lord," she said, "wears no beard; and his is the only clean chin in the camp." I joined in her laugh.