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"What would you like to do now?" he asked when they had emptied their tea-cups and eaten their stale buns in the midst of a great steaming, munching squash "there's swings and stalls and a merry-go-round and I hear the Fat Lady's the biggest they've had yet in Rye; but maybe you don't care for that sort of thing?" "No, I don't think I do, and I'm feeling rather tired.

In the very middle of these twirled a battered merry-go-round an island of garish naphtha light in the silver, a jarr of wheeze and squeak in the swishing of trees and river. Up the hill, through the town, in the bar of the ultra-English hotel, proceeded this dialogue. Well, you've yourselves to blame. I've done my best.

They shrieked and giggled; peanut-roasters whistled; the merry-go-round pounded out monotonous music; the barkers bawled, "Here's your chance here's your chance come on here, boy come on here give that girl a good time give her a swell time here's your chance to win a genuwine gold watch for five cents, half a dime, the twentieth part of a dollah!"

There were some swings, and a hooting-tooting blaring merry-go-round, and a shooting-gallery and Aunt Sallies. Resisting an impulse to win a cocoanut, or at least to attempt the enterprise, Cyril went up to the woman who was loading little guns before the array of glass bottles on strings against a sheet of canvas. "Here you are, little gentleman!" she said. "Penny a shot!"

"The pumpkin isn't hurt any," said Harry, helping the man lift it up on his shoulder. "I'm glad of it," the man said. "It has won the prize, and the farmer who owns it wouldn't like it if it should be broken." "Let's go over to the merry-go-round," suggested Freddie, who did not like so many people looking at him, for quite a crowd had gathered when word of the funny pumpkin race spread.

It's Jeff, too, once when he ups an' jines the church, an' is tharafter preyed on with the fact that the church owes two hundred dollars, and that it looks like nobody cares a two-bit piece about it except jest him, who hires a merry-go-round one of these yere contraptions with wooden hosses, an' a hewgag playin' toones in the center from Cincinnati, sets her up on the Green in front of the church, makes the ante ten cents, an' pays off the church debt in two months with the revenoos tharof.

This way for the merry-go-round!" cried a boy's voice. "Only five cents a ride! Get your tickets and take a ride! On an elephant or a tiger!" "I want a lion!" cried Freddie. "All right! This way for your lions!" cried the voice. Mr. Bobbsey, pushing his way through the crowd with the children, saw Bob Guess on the merry-go-round.

"You'll take no nap when with us you go, We may ride too fast, but never slow!" Doctor Cotton-Tail took a seat in the merry-go-round. The music began to play and they went round, and round, and round, faster and faster. Bunny began to talk about his fur and whiskers. Susan began to talk about her buttons. Grandpa Grumbles shouted,

"He's gone off after the balloon. Flossie and Freddie are in it," Nan answered. "Whew! Those little children taking a balloon ride!" cried Bob. "How did they dare?" "It was an accident," Harry explained. "They didn't mean to." "Well, tell your father I want to see him when he gets back," said Bob, as he hurried back to the merry-go-round. "I have something to tell him about Mr. Blipper."

Bobbsey had said, the safety valve of a steam engine, on one of the trucks which carried the merry-go-round outfit, was blowing off, and a short, stout man, with a very red face, and a lanky boy, wearing ragged clothes, were working about the engine. "Keep back, children! Keep back!" called Mr. Bobbsey, as he reached the road. "This merry-go-round isn't going to be set up here.