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Hundreds of faces faces mean, insignificant, or pock-marked merged into one huge, dominant countenance; hundreds of bodies, unwashed or foul with disease, or meticulously clean, joined in one body, clothed in the black robe of delegated authority, and loomed above him, gigantic and absurd and powerful, and brought him to death.

Sympathy, disapproval, and fear, which, however, was always blended with admiration of his transcendent powers, had merged into love. Though he had disdained to return it, it had nevertheless been perfectly evident that he needed her, and valued her and her opinion.

It had come from old France with Mary, had been merged into English words and English music, and had voyaged to New France. In the walk back from Vadrome Mountain, a change a fleeting change had passed over Charley's mind and mood.

Milton presided over the convention and Miss Mary Boyce Temple, regent of the D. A. R., presided over the first conference of the League of Women Voters. The association and the League were merged and Mrs. Milton was elected chairman. This year for the first time a resolution was introduced by Senator Walter White of Dayton "to amend the constitution so as to give women the ballot."

Once thoroughly inspected, the draft ceases to be a draft, and is merged in the camp. The men settle down in the lines of their battalion, take their share in the life and work of their fellows until the day comes when they are joined to another draft and sent forth on a yet more adventurous journey. Drafts coming to us from England arrived in the morning.

For the first time, born of the mutinous longing in her heart, there came to her the tragic vision of life. The faces of the girls, whirling in white muslin to the music of the waltz, became merged into one, and this was the face of all womanhood.

This personality was not yet merged into that which must take its place, must express itself in the involuntary acts which tell of a habit of mind and body no longer the imitative and the histrionic, but the inherent and the real.

He was putting his "bit," as the British say, into Bazentin-le-Petit village and the only way we knew where Bazentin was in the darkness was through great flashes of light which announced the bursting of a fifteen-hundred-pound shell that had gone hurtling through the air with its hoarse, ponderous scream. All the slope up to the Ridge was merged in the blanket of night.

"And chief, he say: 'You and your children's children shall be chiefs. I have not known love and so I die." Suma-theek's mellow voice merged into the desert silence. "But the eagle and the flag?" asked Jim. "Injuns no understand about them," replied the old chief. "You sabez the story old Suma-theek tell you?" "I understand," replied Jim.

Then the howling gale began to scream, the ceiling lowered and darkened, and merged with the rocks, reducing the world but to our Celestine in the midst of near flashes of white in an uproar. When presently a little daylight came into chaos to give it shape again, there was an inch of hail on our deck, and the mountains had been changed to white marble.