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Mem. de l'Acad. des Inscriptions, Tom. xxvi. p. 72.

Moreover her letter to him describing it could only have been written to one who had not seen it, and though her Memoirs are full of sheer imagination and romance, the documents in them are substantially authentic, and this letter is shown to be so by Rousseau's reply to it. Mém., ii. 116. Corr. , i. 242. Corr., i. 245. Phædrus, 230. Conf., viii. 221, etc.

The child looked wan and wasted, and had in its eyes, which it never turned from me, the weary, wistful, unutterable look of "far away and long ago" longing that comes into the miserably melancholy eyes of monkeys. "Is the baby ill?" said I. "Ou na, mem; it's no to say that ill, only just always peaking and pining like" and she stopped ironing a moment to look at the little creature.

The peers and commons formed only one house in the Scottish parliament: and as it had been the practice of James, continued by Charles, to grace English gentlemen with Scottish titles, all the determinations of parliament, it was to be feared, would in time depend upon the prince, by means of these votes of foreigners, who had no interest or property in the nation. * Burnet, Mem. Burnet, Mem.

Gaston Jean Baptiste de France, originally named Duc d'Anjou, and subsequently Duc d'Orléans, died in 1660. Before his birth, Henri IV declared his intention of making him a churchman, and causing him to be entitled Cardinal de France. Mercure Français, 1608, p. 231. Sully, Mém. vol. vii. p. 37. L'Etoile, vol. iii. p. 471.

Allonville. Mem. sec. 84. Montbarey, i. 311. Flogging in some form and German ways in general seem to have been introduced into the French army as early as Choiseul's time, and more or less practiced through the reign of Louis XVI.; but the great discontent appears to date from the more rigorous application of such methods by Saint-Germain. Montbarey.

"Have you seen Annie Anderson to-day, Mr Bruce?" asked his mother. "'Deed no, mem. She doesna aften trouble huz wi' her company. We're no gran' eneuch for her." "Hasn't she been here to-day?" repeated Mrs Forbes, with discomposure in her look and tone. "Hae ye tint her, mem?" rejoined Bruce. "That is a peety. She'll be awa' wi' that vaigabone, Willie Macwha. He was i' the toon last nicht.

A gran' hoose, like this o' yours an' I'm sure, mem, it cudna be ower gran' to fit yersel', but it's jist some perplexin' to plain fowk like me, 'at's been used to mair room, an' less intill't." Donal was thinking of the meadow on the Lorrie bank. "I was sure of it!" remarked Mrs. Sclater to herself. "One of nature's gentlemen! He would soon be taught."

"I hope my bonnie Glenogie is not so ill as that; for he always looked like a man. And it is so much better that we should part good friends." She turned to Hamish. "There is no one on the deck of the yacht, Hamish," said she. "No, mem," said he, "the men will be at the end of the pier, mem, in the boat, if you please, mem."

Inscribed with a text of Melishikhu, one of the kings of the Third or Kassite Dynasty of Babylon, recording a grant of certain property to Marduk-aplu-iddina, his son The photograph is reproduced from M. de Morgan's Delegation en Perse, Mem., t. ii, pi. 24. On wood, grass, straw, corn, and every other sort of crop, on his carts and yoke, on his ass and man-servant, shall they make no levy.