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Before a word was spoken, he warmly grasped Maskull's hand, but even while he was in the act of doing so he threw a queer frown at Krag. The latter responded with a scowling grin. When he opened his mouth to speak, his voice was a vibrating baritone, but it was at the same time strangely womanish in its modulations and variety of tone. "I've been waiting for you here since sunrise," he said.

When Maskull loves a woman, it is Maskull's female ancestors who are loving her. But here in this land the men are pure males. They have drawn nothing from the female side." "Where do the male stones come from?" "Oh, they are not freaks. There must be whole beds of the stuff somewhere. It is all that prevents the world from being a pure female world.

At that very moment a sickening crash, like heavy thunder just over their heads, set Maskull's weakened heart thumping violently. An avalanche of boulders, stones, and dust, swept past the cave entrance from above. If their going in had been delayed by a single minute, they would have been killed. Tydomin did not even look up.

As it was, the whole forest was flooded with light, and this light, being tinged with the colour of the branches, was a soft and lovely rose. So gay, feminine, and dawnlike was the illumination, that Maskull's spirits immediately started to rise, although he did not wish it. He checked himself, sighed, and grew pensive.

It appeared to come from some point out of sight, to the left of where they were standing, but on the same rock shelf. Maskull's heart beat quickly. "What can that sound be?" asked Corpang, peering into the obscurity. "It is Surtur." "Once again, who is Surtur?" Maskull clutched his arm and pressed him to silence. A strange radiance was in the air, in the direction of the drumming.

You like that?" The three men stood as nature made them. Maskull's spirits rose fast, as the moment of departure drew near. "A farewell drink to success!" cried Krag, seizing a bottle and breaking its head off between his fingers. There were no glasses, but he poured the amber-coloured wine into some cracked cups. Perceiving that the others drank, Maskull tossed off his cupful.

Krag bent over him with a grave expression. "You are Nightspore." The dying man closed his eyes, and smiled. Opening them again, a few moments later, with an effort, he murmured, "Who are you?" Krag maintained a gloomy silence. Shortly afterward a frightful pang passed through Maskull's heart, and he died immediately. Krag turned his head around.

When he touched him, Maskull felt a terrible shooting pain through his heart. "I can't go on regarding you as a man, Krag. You're something more than a man whether good or evil, I can't say." Krag looked yellow and formidable. He did not reply to Maskull's remark, but after a pause said, "So you've been trying to find Surtur on your own account, during the intervals between killing and fondling?"

What do I know about you, or your past record? You may be a practical joker, or you may have come out of a madhouse I know nothing about it. If you claim to be an exceptional man, and want my cooperation, you must offer me exceptional proofs." "And what proofs would you consider adequate, Maskull?" As he spoke he gripped Maskull's arm.

Joiwind turned her head, and laughed so joyously that all her teeth flashed in the sunlight. They landed in a few more minutes on a promontory of black rock. The water on Maskull's garment and body evaporated very quickly. He gazed upward at the towering mountain, but at that moment some strange movements on the part of Panawe attracted his attention.