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Manisty spoke a few sharp words to the man leading the horse. The man stood still and checked his beast. Manisty ran towards the sounds and the dim struggle on the slope above them. Such a cry! It rent and desolated the evening peace. It seemed to Lucy the voice of an old woman, crossed by other voices rough, chiding voices of men. Oh, were they ill-treating her?

Burgoyne in Lucy's presence, with a sudden accent of affection and emotion on some occasion when Manisty had borne the upsetting of a cherished plan for the afternoon with quite remarkable patience. 'He has learnt how to spoil you! said Eleanor, with a fluttering smile, and an immediate change of subject. Lucy looking up, felt a little pang.

Then, as she rose to dress, there burst upon her through the open window the sunset blaze of the Campagna with the purple dome in its midst. And with that came the memory of the afternoon, of the Cardinal and Manisty. Very often, in these first days, it was as though her mind ached, under the stress of new thinking, like something stretched and sore.

'I wanted to save the day, the words were spoken in Eleanor's most charming, most musical voice. 'There was no address. You could not have stopped her. 'I would have managed somehow, said Manisty striking his hand on the table beside him in his annoyance and impatience. Eleanor did not defend herself.

And again he rolled out under his breath, for the sheer joy of the verse: Salve, magna parens frugum, Saturnia tellus, Magna virum. The priest looked at him with a smile; preoccupied yet shrewd. 'I follow you with some astonishment. Surely I remember other sentiments on your part? Manisty coloured a little, and shook his black head, protesting.

Alice Manisty rapidly came back to her, stood between her bed and the wall, and Lucy felt instinctively that some hideous change had passed. 'Dalgetty thought that all was safe, so did Edward. And indeed the locks were safe the only doors that hold in all the villa I tried yours in the afternoon while Manisty and the priest were talking! But mine held.

'Why, it's the other man of letters! Bellasis. I should think you've read some of his poems or plays? Rome has hardly been able to hold the two of them this winter. It's worse than the archaeologists. Mrs. Burgoyne is always trying to be civil to him, so that he mayn't make uncivil remarks about Manisty. I say don't you think she's delightful?

'Miss Foster? said Eleanor lightly 'oh! she will bear up. 'There it is! said Manisty, in a sudden fury. 'We have all been misjudging her in the most extraordinary way! She is the most sensitive, tender-natured creature I would not put an ounce more strain upon her for the world. His aunt called him, and he went stormily away.

"Marion just asked me to sing. It was either that or talking to Yolande Manisty, and I hate her. What would you like me to sing?" Eric felt ashamed of his rasping harshness. "I don't know. That particular song always makes me cry. In spite of that," he looked at her, and smiled to himself. "No, I'm going to be very self-sacrificing.

The soreness of heart she carried about with her, proudly concealed, had the gnawing constancy of physical pain. While he! Nothing seemed to her more amazing than the lapses in mere gentlemanliness that Manisty could allow himself. He was capable on occasion of all that was most refined and tender in feeling. But once jar that central egotism of his, and he could behave incredibly!