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"A small parcel," admitted the manageress, "which she gave me a few days ago to lock up in our safe. She said it contained something valuable, and she hadn't anything to lock it up in. It's in the safe now." "I'm afraid we must see it," said the chief. At the foot of the stairs the hall-porter accosted the party and looked at the chief narrowly. "Name of Chettle, sir?" he asked.

I wonder whether you could manage to eat some of these good things provided by our theatrical manageress? 'I wonder whether I could, said Winnie; 'I'll try if you'll ask me no questions, but talk about Snowdon and watch the changes of the glorious morning. But we must call Sinfi. 'No, no. I want to talk to you alone first.

The manageress was a not unkindly, taciturn person, with the hardened remains of beauty of the brunette type; and the other women workers, who of course hated her, associated her name scandalously with one of the metal-work directors in order to explain her position.

"But this parcel, gentlemen, was recently confided by Miss Slade to the care of the manageress of the Pompadour, to be put in the hotel safe from which it was produced to me twenty minutes ago. And I am now going to see what it contains." The others sat in absorbed silence while the chief delicately removed the wrappings of the mysterious parcel.

"I have a little thing here, you're sure to like," the 'manageress' would greet him, and he would stay for an hour or so, talking dolefully to some poor girl who sat there astonished that he went no further.

It was an inspiration, for next day, when he came in, she smiled at him. "I didn't know you could draw," she said. "I was an art-student in Paris for two years." "I showed that drawing you left be'ind you last night to the manageress and she WAS struck with it. Was it meant to be me?" "It was," said Philip. When she went for his tea, one of the other girls came up to him.

When the girl and her protege arrived at the boarding-house of the fat manageress they found that the actor had so far kept his promise as to have inveigled her into a condition of alcoholic amiability. She asked them what they could do. Each one sang and danced, and the girl, who also whistled, outlined to the manageress her idea of an "act" in which the two should appear.

And Olivier, looking on at their secret duel, the savagery of which was known to him by his own experience, was full of pity for Joussier when he realized his weakness. But Joussier guessed that Olivier was reading him: and he was very far from liking him for it. There was another interested witness, an indulgent spectator of this game of love and hate. This was the manageress, Amelie.

But, as Chettle sagely remarked, you never can tell, and you never can account, and you never know, and meanwhile there was the urgent business on hand. The business on hand came to nothing. Manager and manageress watched with interested amazement while the two searchers went through everything in that room with a thoroughness and rapidity produced by long practice.

Sometimes this old fellow, whose guilelessness was the subject of much laughter to the customers, would disappear for a month or two; but his absence never surprised anybody, and was always attributed to his infirmities or his great age, for he looked more than sixty in 1811. "What has become of old Canquoelle?" one or another would ask of the manageress at the desk.